Today’s date?…Twelfth September?

Kim ting who was standing not too far away from Kim tan was holding a glass of wine as he looked proudly at his sister in law who was about to sing another beautiful song to mesmerize the crowd but suddenly he blanked out when he heard the lyrics of the song. Spitting out the wine which he had just sipped in, he coughed a few times before cursing 'Fuck' turning towards his brother and then his Sister in law, he was shocked.

On the other hand, when Kim tan and Suzy met each other's eyes, Both of them were startled…

'That dark black glittering eyes….' Kim tan thought.

When Suzy was asked to sing a song again, none of the songs that she knew came to her mind except this one which was called 'The dream'. Forgetting Kim tan's existence, Suzy started to sing the song while reminiscing her past beautiful life with her mom and Kim tan. Engulfed deeply by the song, Suzy was unaware of the internal and external turmoil that Kim tan was facing alone.