Fuck.....She's not a ghost but....She's real?

Stepping out of the car, Elder Zhen looked at Mrs Kim with a gentle gaze and sized her from her head to toe. 

Once Elder Zhen stepped down from the car, Mrs Kim and Mr Kim naturally stepped forward to greet him.

Seeing the little girl after a really long time who now had aged, Elder Zhen lifted his hand up and patted her head and said "Look at you....you used to look like a university student when I saw you last time but now.....you look like a matured women carrying a huge responsibility "

Holding his hands in palms, Mrs Kim looked at Elder Zhen with teary eyes and said with a choked voice while shaking her head "No, in front of uncle Zhen, I'm still that immature little girl..am I, not uncle Zhen?"

With a low chuckle, Elder Zhen nodded his head and said: " yes yes....no matter how old their children grow up, for a parent they are still a small child...how long has it been since I saw you Little red..."