I have Never hated you!!

"This was what the monk had said with a deadpan expression…'When the red water combines, an unexpected existence will appear which would shake the whole world in the future'"

"Uhhh…what does it mean?" Suzy asked when she could not understand what that statement meant.

Li Ben Xing shrugged her shoulder and said "I don't know"

"Huh?…then does my mother in law know the answer?"

"No..even after thinking very deeply for a whole half-year, they were not able to come up with an answer"

"Then why dint they just find the monk and asked him?"

Looking at Suzy from the corner of her eyes, Li Ben Xing said "Do you think they are that stupid to not think of this"

"Then…did the monk give them the answer"

"Answer?…haha, that's too much. Forget about the answer, they were not even able to meet that old monk"


"Because the old monk disappeared from there without any trace"