Cookie....let's elope!!

Not long after when Suzy walked to the banquet hall, she found Mu Jun standing alone with a glass of drinks in his hands, rather looking a little lonely. Finding a company, Suzy happily walked towards the lonely figure and patted on his shoulder before greeting him "Hey cocky…"

"Hii…" Mu Jun rather in a lazy tone, unlike his cheerful tone.

"Hey, what's with that face of yours? Why do you look bored and lonely? Did anything happen between you and Kim lan?"

Hearing Kim Lan's name, Mu Jun suddenly jolted and looked at Suzy with pitiful eyes and cried out "Little devil, Kim lan is too much. Before she left, she ordered me not to get close to any girl or a boy or else she will…she will skin me alive"

"Wait!….Girl…is fine, but why boys?"

"Didn't you hear the rumors'?"

"What is that?"

"People think that I have turned gay and hence hate to keep in touch with a female actress. What do they know, I avoid them only because of that jealous devil"