Shameless...But, I like it!!

While the two young men and young women who had earlier annoyed Shanaya were shocked still, the guest were also mesmerized by Shanaya's beauty. But what looked quite weird was seeing Kim ting look at Shanaya with his face filled with shock.

Seeing his shocked expression, Shanaya herself was also puzzled. Raising her left eyebrows, she asked: "Why do you look shocked?"

Still, in a daze, Kim ting replied "You look….beautiful"

Being complimented from him for the first time, Shanaya started to blush unknowingly.

Since the stage was equipped with a mic, Kim ting's dazed compliment was heard by everyone in the banquet. A few elders shook their head hearing the youth's words while the others only chuckled lightly. Those who were confused by Kim ting's action all misunderstood it as him not able to control his urge to see his fiance's beautiful face. Soon a round of laughter of heard throughout the banquet.