Pervert, who said I want to see you naked!!

Seeing the disappearing couple, Mrs. Kim and others looked at each other with their eyes full of confusion, at last when they heard Kim Lan's sigh, everyone turned and looked at her with a questioning gaze. All of their face showing the same expression, when Kim Lan saw that everyone was now looking at her, she sighed once again and recalled the idea that Mu Jun gave but the result was something unexpected.

After hearing the whole story, they finally understood what was going on between the couple. Slightly dazed, Kim ting asked, "Wil sister Zy be okay?"

Gazing at Kim ting as if he was an idiot, Kim lan spoke disdainfully "Stupid, you are worrying about the wrong person. You should worry whether brother Tan will be okay"

"Huh?…."'Is sister in law that dangerous?' Kim ting thought.