Arresting Li Xiying..

"Miss Li Xiying, we don not about what other misdeeds you have committed, though we would like to find your other crimes but at present, we are here due to some other reason…"


"Miss Li Xiying, we are here to arrest you for falsely accusing Miss Suzy and Mr. Luo Shen…"

"What…what do you mean? How can I accuse my sister falsely? And, what proof do you have?" Dumbfounded, she asked

Not giving her any face, one of the officer took out his cell phone and played a video which was going currently and showed it on Li Xiying's face "Miss Li Xiying, we don't arrest anyone without any proof or evidence. In this video, it can be seen that when Miss Suzy and Mr. Luo Shen were having an emotional talk, you sneaked and took their photo secretly. The photo angle also matches the place where you took and hence it is proved that it was miss Li xiying who spread the news"