Such a poor attack skills. With your fragile strength, you dared to attack me?

Closing his eyes, Luo Shen waited for his end without any hope but what even after waiting for a few seconds. He did not feel anything but amidst his confusion, he heard a bone-cracking sound followed by blood-curling shriek of a man. Bewildered, when he was about to open his eyes, he heard a female's next words

"Who dares to kill my little brother" The voice was so cold that it could make one shiver but there was a hint of laughter in the words. This voice, Luo Shen could not be any more familiar with the female's voice.

As soon as the voice died, Luo Shen opened his eyes abruptly only to see Suzy standing in front of him while her palm was holding his wrist in a weird angle. Her eyes looked very cold but there was a smile hooking up at the corner of his lips. Forgetting to breathe in, he looked at Suzy and called "Si-sister?"