Scarry house!!

When the ride finally ended, Mu Jun and Kim ting felt the world spinning and they could not stand properly in one place. Wobbling, when they had just made their way out of the scary ride, they were pulled to get on the next ride.

When Mu Jun and Kim ting were finally back to their sense, they realized that they were about to get on the scariest ride and that was….Flash tower ride.

Looking at the sixty-meter tall ride, Mu Jun and Kim ting almost felt their eyes turn white. Before the two guys could protest, they were pulled to sit on the ride. Unlike previous time, this time Kim Lan sat next to Mu Jun while Shanaya sat next to Kim ting.

When the ride started, Kim ting felt his whole body taken upwards by a strong force until it reached the peak and halted for a second. Before the boys could take a deep breath, the ride was pulled downwards with great force. Screaming, Kim ting almost started to see stars in his eyes.