I want to see her happy so...I dont mind to see you suffer



Both of them cried consecutively and before their voice could die, they had a laughing voice from behind.

"Did you call me?"

Dumbstruck, when the two of them turned around, they saw a woman with long black hair wearing white cloth. Her face was white and her lips were blood red and there was a bloodstain from the corner of her mouth to her chin.

Kim ting, Mu Jun "…."

Just like calm before the storm, the two looked dumbfounded for a moment before crying too loudly "Ahhhhhh….Shu Shu"

Frightened, both of them hugged each other and cried loudly. Especially after seeing the bloodstain at the corner of her lips, they were even more frightened and their body started to trembles uncontrollably. Afraid that the ghost might really eat them, both of them moved back to distance themselves, but they had not taken more than five steps before they heard another voice besides their ear

"Did you call me?"