I Dare You!!

After working for a whole day, when Suzy was about to head back home she received a call from the police station and asked her to text her mail. Taking out her phone, when Suzy checked her email she found a letter as well as a recording attached to it. Putting her earphones on, she clicked on the play button and heard a human voice which neither belonged to a male nor a female

"Haha...Whoever you are, I don't care. You managed to rescue the two kids so I will let them go for now but don't be too happy because I'm not done yet. If you are capable then find my next target...."

When Suzy clicked on the letter there was only one line written on it which read "I Dare you"

Hearing the opponents provocative words Suzy smiled a little and thought 'Since you dared to challenge me then I won't disappoint you'

Instead of heading back home, Suzy changed the direction and headed straight towards the police head office to meet Chief officer Wang.