No matter what happens in the future, never take it off!!

After doing a blood test and checking his pulse, Bai An stood up reported "Not a big deal. I have fed him a medicine that would prevent his body organs to fail. After going back to city A, I will feed him the medicine and he will be alright by two days"

"Good…take him with you now and give him necessary treatment, I will check on him later," Suzy said with a calm expression.

"Okay" with that said, Bai An ordered his subordinate to bring Luo Shen to the helicopter and they were taking off.

After the matter with Luo Shen was dealt with, Suzy turned her attention back to the three people who now looked pale and lifeless.

Dialing a number on her transparent digital watch, she called Chief officer Wang and reported "Chief Officer Wang, the hostage is safe. You can head to City B now and take care of the two old couple"

"Okay Ms. Suzy, as you say but..what about the girl named Lucy?"