Do they take my house as their lodge?

Throwing the pillow aside, Mu Jun walked inside the room and closed it from behind. Sitting on the sofa opposite hers he sighed and asked "What's the matter now? What made you upset this time?"

Turning her head away, Suzy continued to drink the beer showing no intention to answer Mu Jun.

Taking a beer can from the table, he opened one for himself and took a sip before asking "Was it your father again? or your sister or is it someone whom you hate? What...did they do anything to you that's upset you it about your mother?"

"None of these"

"Then who made be go mad this time around?"

After hesitating for a moment, Suzy said "...Kim tan"

Hearing Kim tan's name, Mu Jun almost spit the bear out of his mouth. Wiping his mouth, he looked at Suzy in disbelief and asked "What? who did you say? I guess I heard it wrong"

"You did not...this time it's Kim tan who turned my mood off"