My Mother drugged me!!

"Do you feel unwell? Why is your face red and your condition also doesn't look good? Are you okay?" Shanaya asked worriedly

Shaking her hands off, he looked straight and said "I'm fine, I'll be alright after taking rest for a few minutes, you go"

As stubborn as she was, Shanaya did not leave but instead persisted "No I won't. How can I leave you alone in this state? You come up with me….take rest in my home today"

Clenching his first, Kim ting tried to hold on to the last piece if rationality and said "Just go now or else you'll regret"

"I won't …now get out of the car" With that said, Shanaya got down from the car and made her way to the other side. Opening the door, She pulled Kim ting out and headed straight to the elevator.