She is still Unconscious!!

Sometimes the one above is such a psycho that he keeps arousing problems in people's life to entertain himself. And these people who are cursed to face problems keep finding a solution to the existing problems to make their life better but at the end of the day, they find themself struck in another problem. 

Just when Suzy thought everything was good and busied herself in her company, her secretary barged inside the office hurriedly holding a tab in her arms.

Looking up from her work flies, Suzy raised her eyebrows at the secretary and asked: "What's the matter that led you to barge to my office like this?"

"CEO, that--Assistant Luo Shen--he--" the secretary stuttered, unable to find any proper word to explain the situation.

Dropping the file on the table, Suzy leaned back on the chair. FOlding her hands in front of her chest, she said expressionlessly "If you have something to say then speak if not come later…. I don't have enough time to waste"