The person who caused her to become like this...I want to take care of him by myself


After hearing the whole story, Suzy sighed briefly. 

Turning around, she looked at her little brother who was in pain and sighed. Caressing his head, she smiled faintly and said "Don't worry, Everything will be fine. Just look after her and rest well, I'll take care of this matter"

Shaking his head, Luo Shen said "No...I will take care of it. You are busy with your work now and you barely have time to spend with your boyfriend. I don't want to put more burden on you"

"Shen, things like this should be taken care of as early as possible if not it will hurt her career greatly. Let your sister take care of this now. The sooner it is taken care of the sooner the problem will be resolved. You stay back and take care of your girl. Who knows what motive the other person might have? So stay back here and protect her, okay?"