At this rate, you’ll make her have a heart attack!!

"I do have a girl I like,"

"I'm in love with her"

"And she's the only one with whom I wish to live or Die" 

Receiving bolts of lightning one by one, the reporters and the fans were stunned and stood there in a daze, looking at Kim tan in disbelief.

Seeing that the reports were all stunned into a daze, Kim tan smiled and took the chance to escape from the reporters and made his way inside.

Looking at his brother and then at the stunned reporters, Kim ting sighed and rubbed his head helplessly. He could almost see reporters and paparazzi lurking around the company and the Kim mansion just to get hold of the news of Kim tan's mysterious girlfriend. 

Just as Kim tan disappeared, the reporters and fans finally came back to there sense. Just as they wanted to ask more about this mysterious girlfriend, they found that the latter has already disappeared.