And what they mean to say is....I Love You!!

For the first time ever, because of the little adorable girl, Kim tan had played all kinds of childish games he usually hated. After their first meet, little Roulan started to meet Kim tan and play with him whenever he was free. As time passed, the two of them also started to grow closer and closer until they couldn't stay away without seeing each other even for a day. 

Knock Knock...

Hearing someone knock from outside, Kim tan gradually returned back from his memory. Clearing his throat, he placed the note aside and said "Come in"

Smiling awkwardly, Assistant John walked inside and reported "Uhh Boss…there is another delivery for you"

Raising his eyebrows, Kim tan looked towards the door and saw a sturdy man wearing the same black suit as the previous one walk inside carrying a bouquet in his hands. 

Just like the previous man, the man was wearing gloves and was particularly careful while handling the delicate flowers.