Never slept together on the same bed!!

The Kim mansion...

Staring at the two red eyes kids, Mrs. Kim looked at them thoughtfully and asked "Did you guys fight?"

"NO!" Suzy and Kim tan answered together without the second thought

"Huh? then why are your eyes red? don't tell me something struck in both of your eyes"

"No...nothing like that" feeling embarrassed, Suzy bit her lips and smiled awkwardly "Uh...that-it's just that we got emotional on something so...."

Seeing Suzy's embarrassed face, Mrs. Kim also did not have the heart to embarrass her further. Caressing Suzy's head lovingly, Mrs. Kim smile and said "it's fine if you don't want to tell me. I understand. You guys must be tired after working for a long time, why don't you wait in the hall...dinner is almost prepared"

Nodding her head, Suzy smiled and said "okay aunty"

Hearing Suzy call her aunty, Mrs. Kim frowned and complained "What's with aunty? Call me Mother. Sooner or later you will marry little tan"