Zia's new home

While they were travelling on the sea seth can be seen seating on the captain's chair and zia was on his lap waggling her foot back and forth, she then asked "So big brother where are we going?" seth said "We would be going to amazon lily and that would be your new home, you won't be lonely if you're there because there would be many people who will accompany you everyday" zia nodded with a happy smile.

But when ron heard this he was shocked then asked seth "Amazon lily is that the island where only female's are allowed to enter?" seth nodded "How can you enter there? and you called it your island? how?" seth then explained "Boa Hancock the old empress of amazon lily is my wife and amazon lily is under my protection so it can be called my island."

"Boa Hancock the 7 warlords of the sea is your wife?! and you said she is the old empress so she stepped down? then who is the one empress?" Ron bombarded him with questions, seth knew why he was riled up (this guy, well he is a man after all who wouldn't be riled up if they knew that they would enter the paradise of men amazon lily)

Seth poured a cold bucket on ron when he said "But you won't be staying on amazon lily, I would bring you to "Barbarous island" there you will train for 2 months. don't worry you won't be alone there are others who are already training there for 2 months." ron hearing this immediately became dispirted and continued gazing at the sea.

Then seth got up then walked towards behind the ship were the rocket booster was he then said "Zia, you should stay on your room because I would boost the ship's speed and you can't handle it so please stay inside your room for your safety" She immediately nodded in agreement then went to her room.

Ron was curious how seth would boost the ships speed using his devil fruit, seth then positioned himself behind the rocket booster then shouted "WIND BLAST!" *BOooom!* Azrael then flew up from the blast. Ron was shocked by the power behind seth's wind blast and how azrael was now flying up in the air.

Seth continued boosting azrael's speed because he wanted to be back on amazon lily because he already missed hancock. after a week of travel they were finally near amazon lily, seth then told ron to start the rudder because they were travelling on calm belt and there was no wind here.

After another day of travel they can finally see amazon lily, he then looked at zia then pointed towards the island up ahead "You see that island zia? That would be your new home Amazon Lily" zia had starts in her eyes she was clearly excited for her new home.

Seth then took out his den-den mushi *pero*pero*pero* KACHA! "Hello hancock it's me seth, im outside of amazon lily please bring the kuja pirates ship because I have found a shipwright and would like him to train on barbarous so can you let the kuja pirates bring him there?"

Hancock voice the resounded from the den-den mushi "Dear, what took you so long? you've been away for 3 weeks I already miss you sooo much! wait ill be right there in 5 mins" then she closed the den-den mushi.

After waiting for a couple of minutes they could see the kuja pirates ship approaching them, when the ship was near hancock immediately jumped towards seth ship then landed beside him and hugged his arm saying "Dear I really really missed you" then she noticed a little loli beside seth.

"Who is this cute little girl dear?" she then approached zia "She's zia the little sister of my shipwright she would be living on amazon lily from now on." "hello, little sister zia you really look cute." zia was shocked because such a beautiful woman was her big brother seth's wife "Hello big sister you're really beautiful, big brother is truly lucky ufufufu"

She giggled then the two girls started talking ignoring seth, seeing this seth just shook his head then looked towards ron who was looking at him with awe and respect "seth, nooo captain! you're really godly to have the most beautiful woman as wife im speechless I didn't believe it when you told me last time but now."

Seth then interrupted him "Yes yes, I know that I'm such a handsome and capable man so no need to praise me so much or else I would get shy." he then turned towards sandersonia and marigold "I would like you to escort this guy to barbarous island and please tell the trainers to train him much harder because he could only stay there for 2 months so he needs to catch up with the others.

Hearing seth's orders the new captains of kuja pirates immediately complied, seth then threw ron towards the kuja pirates ship then said "Ron, follow them to barbarous island that place is filled with danger so be careful and don't die"

Zia seeing her big brother was leaving immediately said "Big brother ron don't worry about zia because big brother seth would take care of me and I also have big sister who is kind to me, so please train hard so that big brother seth wont be dissapointed and please don't die big brother!"

She said while waving towards the leaving kuja pirate ship. seth then tapped her shoulder comforting her "Don't worry zia your big brother ron isn't someone who would die easily." she nodded with tears in her eyes.

Hancock then said "Now now let us first enter the island so that zia could see her new home, zia you wouldn't be disappointed with your new home everyone who lives in this island would be your new family." Zia hearing hancock's word cheered up then looked towards her new home amazon lily.