Poor Kizaru!

Kizaru noticed that sentomaru and px-1 weren't faring well and realized that they we're in a tight spot, he knew that if they were to continue fighting them they would really die.

He then shouted towards sentomaru "Sentomaru! we must retreat we can't win this fight" sentomaru hearing kizaru was shocked because it was his first time seeing kizaru lose his cool. he then nodded and told the px-1 to retreat but was stopped by jared and ron.

Kizaru was about to help sentomaru to retreat when suddenly seth appeared beside him, "hohoho, who told you can leave kizaru? let's fight some more okay?" seth then covered his right leg with winds "Tempest Kick!" he then kicked kizaru's ribs making him stagger backwards.

Kizaru was holding his rib cage he wanted to escape immediately "Yata no Kagami!" lights formed between his hands and shot out towards seth, seeing kizaru's attack coming towards seth also copied kizaru's action he converged winds between his hands and shot it out towards the incoming light beam. "Tempest Beam!" *swoooosh!* *BOOOOM!*

Both of their attacks was negated by each other, kizaru was shocked because seth can copy his attacks (well not literally it was just the same style of attack) seth seeing the shocked face of kizaru laughed "Hahahahaha what happened Mr.Admiral? you were all high and mighty earlier dealing with the strawhats but now you just wanted to escape, tsk tsk is this how an admiral acts? you just bully the weak and when you encounter a strong opponent you'll just retreat? disappointing truly disappointing" seth said while shaking his head with a disappointed look on his face.

Kizaru hearing this was enraged he knew that seth was provoking him so he tried to calm down. seeing that his provocation didn't work seth then said "So kizaru, you have cuts all over your body, why don't we end this? look at your team" he then pointed at ron and px-1 the latter was now missing an arm and was on the verge on being broken, while sentomaru was also not in a good spot he was now bleeding with his left arm hang loose like it was paralyzed and can't be move.

"You want to help? beat me first Mr.Admiral then you can save your team hahahhaa" seth then started converging winds behind him, seeing this kizaru was confused he didn't know what seth was doing but he was also preparing for an attack he was also converging lights on his hands.

After converging enough wind seth then shouted "BASILISK!" *swoooooosh!* a giant serpent formed behind seth. Kizaru seeing the basilisk appeared he realize that it was a strong attack from seth he can form his winds into a creature to strengthen his attack.

Seeing kizaru was also preparing for an attack seth didn't wait for him "BASILISK GO!" the basilisk immediately pounced towards kizaru seeing this was sweatingn he immediately unleashed the lights he converged "Heavenly Light Blast!" a massive light shot towards the basilisk *BOOOOOOM!*

Kizaru seeing that his strongest attack was negated by seth's basilisk he was surpirsed when suddenly, he heard seth's voice "You shouldn't be distracted when fighting right kizaru?" seth appeared beside him, seth then charged his scythe with lightning and wind "Destruction Slash!" he then swung his scythe towards kizaru.

Seeing the incoming surprise attack kizaru immediately materialized his Kusanagi sword and blocked seth's scythe. but he was too confident on his light sword, the scythe cut through his light sword like it was butter then continued towards his right arm *Swooosh!* *splash!* blood was everywhere and kizaru was holding his right side.

After attacking seth backed off while holding something on his left hand "Well kizaru what should I do with this?" kizaru was really enraged but he knew he can't win this fight because seth cut off his right arm. he glared at seth then turned into light going towards sentomaru, when he got to sentomaru he was also injured they immediately retreated leaving the scrap px-1 behind.

Seeing kizaru retreat seth had a victorious smile on his face he then said to red "What are you waiting for red? feed on his blood I bet it would be delicious." red immediately sucked all of kizaru's blood from the severed hand.

After feeding red withdrew it then destroyed the mummified arm, he then walked towards jared and ron who also injured but had a satisfy smile on their faces. "So how was it? did you enjoy your fight?" Ron ofcourse enjoyed he immediately said "Captain look at that piece of scrap hahahaha," he was pointing at the px-1 who was destroyed.

"Good job ron! can't believe you can destroy a pacifista on your own looks like your training on barbarous island was really fruitful." he then looked at jared who had small cut's on his body. "So jared how was your fight?"

hearing seth, jared smiled and said "It was a good fight captain! But if I was a little more stronger I would've defeated that guy already, my sleep-sleep fruit can't influence his body that much only a couple of seconds." hearing this seth shook his head then said "You did a great job jared cheer up that guy was a vice-admiral level so ofcourse he wouldn't be an easy target so be proud!"

Jared hearing seth words was touched that his captain would cheer him up "Hahahaha Yes captain next time if we meet he won't be lucky anymore!" he then asked said "What happened to your fight with the admiral?"

"That guy? after I severed his right arm he immediately went to get that sumo guy and retreated" seth said casually, when jared and ron heard this they could only smile wearily while thinking (He talks like it wasn't a big deal, *sigh* captain really knows how to boast)

Seth seeing their expression didn't mind he then said "Let's go and find a bar to celebrate our victory!" jared and ron replied in unison "oooooooh!!"

While seth and co. were enjoying their victory, kizaru and sentomaru had gloomy expressions "I really underestimated that guy! now my right arm is gone haaay this is truly troublesome and a war is coming soon" kizaru said while sighing. Sentomaru seeing kizaru's arm comforted him "Old man let's go to vega punk I think he could fix you up" kizaru could only nod in agreement if he didn't fix his arm before the war then he would be really in a disadvantage.