
After being released Jinbe ask "so what are you going to do next?" Seth didn't answer Jinbe's question because he was searching for Daz bonez, after searching for a while he finally found him. "Let's go guys I found Daz bonez" they nodded then followed Seth behind leaving a puzzled Shere khan and Jinbe.

They then reached Daz bonez he was beside a cell, Seth walked up to him then looked inside Crocodile was there all alone seth then ask "Did Bonez already told you what I want?" Crocodile nodded "I don't have any problem being your follower but if I ever found out the you're weaker than me then I won't hesitate to kill you"

Seth laughed hearing Crocodile's words he told Galdino to free him, after being freed crocodile immediately felt a huge pressure he kneeled in one knee then looked at Seth smiling at him, Seth then ask "So you think you can defeat me Little croc? If you think you can then try to stand" He increased the pressure making Crocodile kneel with both legs.

Crocodile gritted his teeth then said "Captain, I can't beat you I wont ever question your strength" crocodile knew that if he continued being arrogant Seth would really kill him. hearing this Seth withdrew his conqueror's haki then smiled at crocodile "Then welcome to the crew Crocky"

Seth then introduced everyone one else to the new comer's after making them to get to know each other Seth then said "Okay guys our next objective would be to leave this place, If Magellan ever blocks us don't even think of battling him because that guy is mine alone, your jobs would be to handle the other guards." They all nodded, they knew that they would have to fight their way out.

When Seth everyone was ready he started converging winds behind him "BASILISK!" when everyone saw the huge serpent monster behind their captain they were shocked because he can materialized a monster using his devil fruit.

Seth ignored their surprised looks then said "Hop in guys! We will be wrecking the floors!" Upon hearing seth they hopped on the basilisk. Seth then said "Wreck that wall!" the basilisk immediately flew towards the ceiling of level 6.

When the basilisk destroyed the ceiling they were shocked because instead of being on "Freezing Hell" they were in a different place.

Bentham was the first to react "Captain chan! I know this place! This is Newkama Land!" all of them were puzzled hearing Bentham's words. Seth then said "Explain yourself Bentham"

"Captain chan~ this is the place of the Okama queen" while Bentham was still explaining they saw people looking towards them, the atmosphere immediately became tense.

When suddenly a big head approached them and asked "Who are you? what are you doing in Newkama land?" When crocodile saw this guy he immediately hid his face "You do know that this place is my Territory?"

Seth then said "I'm sorry for barging in like this but It wasn't our intention to intrude into your territory we wanted to reach level 5 by destroying the ceiling of level 6" The big head said "So you are trying to escape Impel Down?" Seth nodded "Yup we are, I already found my new crew mates so It's time to leave, My name's Seth what about you big head?"

The big head guy was ticked by Seth's word "Don't call me Big head! My name is Emporio Ivankov!" Seth nodded then said "Nice to meet you Ivan but we really need to go now, so see you!!" The basilisk continued breaking the ceiling.

Ivan wanted to stop them but they were already gone and there was a huge hole in their ceiling. He immediately shouted "Morley!" then a Giant appeared out of nowhere "What is it Ivan?" Ivan said "Gather everybody! we are leaving Impel Down as soon as possible because Newkama Land will be discovered soon we need to escape!"

The Giant Morley nodded and disappeared inside the wall, "Who was that kid, I'm sure that he wasn't a prisoner don't tell me he broke into Impel Down just to gather some crew members what a mad man! and he also exposed our secret base!!!" Ivan was fuming in anger.

Seth had no idea what's happening at Newkama Land they finally reached level 5 and was now on their way to level 4.

While Seth and his crew were breaking through level 4, Magellan already gathered every powerful Guards he has there was the Awakened Zoan users,Saldeath and his blugoris and the beast guards they were waiting for Seth to arrive.

When suddenly the whole level 4 started shaking then *Boooom!* a huge basilisk appeared in front of them, Magellan shouted "Be ready! They are finally here! Don't hold yourself back kill them if you have the chance!"

Seth and his crew finally reached level 4 but they saw Magellan his prison guards waiting for them, Seth immediately said "Okay guys! It's time to have some fun! Pick your own enemy don't let me down!" When they heard Seth they immediately chose their own enemy to fight while Seth was looking down at Magellan.

"So you're Magellan huh? you think you got what it takes to stop me from leaving Impel Down?" Magellan hearing Seth's boastful words said "Don't get too overconfident or else you wont even know how you were killed" Magellan then shouted "Hydra!"

Then a Three headed venom hydra launched at Seth, seeing this Seth just smiled then hopped down the basilisk saying "Go!" The Basilisk launched towards the incoming Hydra *BOOOOM!* the hydra was negated by Seth but his basilisk dissipated.

"Ooh? To think that you can dissipate my Basilisk you're really something Magellan" Seth then summoned the fused red and blue, Seth then converge wind and lighting in the air and formed it into an arrow shape he then threw it to Magellan "Electric Wind Arrow!" *Swoooosh!*

Seeing the incoming arrow Magellan used his hydra to block the attack, but he was shocked because the hydra didn't manage to block it but it passed through his Hydra the arrow then went straight at Magellan's heart but luckily he managed to dodge immediately. He was now looking at Seth seriously he thought he can win this because he defeated Seth's basilisk but he was clearly wrong.