Tequila Wolf

2 days has passed Seth and Nami were now currently on east blue, Seth knew that the island robin would be sent to was called Tequila Wolf and was situated in East Blue.

While following the vivre Nami saw a huge bridge under construction, it was snowing and she saw that the workers were wearing thin clothing it was clear that they were slave and were forced to worked there.

Nami got worried seeing these and thought that robin was also being forced to work here. she tugged Seth's arm and said "Seth please hurry up, I have a bad feeling about this."

Seth nodded in agreement and sped up. a couple of minutes later they finally reached Tequila Wolf they saw that there were a lot of buildings with slaves walking around doing there individual jobs.

They then looked where the vivre was pointing and saw a huge building, Seth didn't even think twice and immediately barged in. There he saw robin was tied to a chair while a man wearing a red outfit was torturing her.

Seth flared up seeing robin was beaten up black and blue, he summoned Red and beheaded the man after killing the one who tortured robin he then immediately freed her. Nami was tearing up seeing robin's situation she was really grateful to Seth because if he didn't have robin's vivre card she didn't know what will happen to robin.

Robin was surprised seeing Seth and Nami barged in then smiled "Nice to see you again Seth, you too Nami" Hearing robin's word and seeing her smile Nami immediately hugged her tightly "It's alright now robin we're here and Seth wouldn't let them off"

Robin nodded then immediately fell asleep she was clearly tired, Nami then turned towards Seth with hatred in her eyes she said "Seth, please bring justice to robin." she cried while pleading to give justice to those who hurt robin.

Seth nodded and disappeared using his air mimicry, he was now above tequila wolf searching for the boss of this place. He then spotted a fat man sitting on chair eating a delicious meal.

Seth then appeared in front of the fat man startling him "Who are you? and what are you doing here?! do you know that this a place protected by the celestial dragons?" Seth didn't waste time on the fat man and also beheaded him.

He took the keys from the fat man's dead body and continued his slaughter, after killing every prison guards he set all the prisoners free. he was about to return to nami's side when a blonde loli came up to him "Ummm, mister thank you for freeing us. do you happen to know where Nico Robin is?"

Seeing the blonde loli Seth recognize her as the one who saved robin when she was first sent here, he nodded "follow me" Seth then carried the blonde loli and appeared where robin was currently staying.

When the blonde loli saw robin she was shocked seeing that robin was severely beaten. she then went to her side and tried helping Nami by cleaning Robin's wounds.

Nami then turned towards Seth and asked "Is it done?" Seth nodded with a smile "All dead no one survived" Hearing Seth saying that he massacred a whole army Nami flinched then calmed down, and thought that it was her who ordered Seth to do it.

They then rested after applying first aid to Robin, Seth asked the blonde loli who then introduced herself as "Soran" to bring him to the kitchen area of the prison guards.

After searching for a while they finally found the kitchen and Seth then started cooking food for the girls.

When Seth finished cooking he and Soran then carried trays of food towards robin's room, When they reached the room they saw that robin was already awake.

Soran immediately walked up to robin "Big sis Robin here eat some food so that you would recover soon, Big bro Seth was the one who cooked it."

Robin looked towards Seth and smiled "Thank you for helping me Seth" Seeing robin's smile, Seth was in a dazed for a moment then shook his head "Don't worry about the small stuff robin, eat your food first. I'm not as good as Sanji when it comes to cooking but I think my skills are at least passable"

Nami rolled her eyes at Seth she knew that he was trying to impress robin and immediately said "Robin did you know that this guy here already has a wife? and not just any wife, his wife is the Snake Princess Boa Hancock who was a warlord until this Womanizer showed up in the war and said that Hancock was his wife."

Seth smiled wearily hearing Nami, he knew the reason behind her actions and chose to ignore it. Robin giggled hearing this "Oh that's too bad, and here I thought that I still got a chance" Robin teased Seth.

Seth just rolled his eyes at them and continued eating his food, they all giggled seeing his reaction and also ate their food.

After finishing their meal Seth then said "Nami, I will leave for a couple of days because I got something to do in East Blue. So stay here for a while and I will immediately come back after finishing my business."

Nami nodded "Alright, please do be careful and hurry up because we don't know if there would be reinforcement coming here."

Hearing Seth knew that it was possible so he summoned blue shocking the three ladies, he ignored their surprised look and said "Blue, I will be leaving for a while. So I want you to protect them while I am gone understood?"

Blue immediately agreed "I understand master, I will do my best to protect the three of them" Seth nodded hearing this. he then looked at Nami and Robin who was still confused he chuckled "He will explain to you about everything you want to know, but just know that his little guy here can defeat a vice admiral with ease."

Nami and Robin were shocked hearing this and looked at the cute little boy who was wearing a blue outfit, they can't imagine that this little kid could easily defeat a vice admiral.

Seth seeing their reaction didn't want explain anymore, so he used his air mimicry and disappeared.