Hancock's thoughts

Seth then took out a bounty poster and read it "Man-Demon Gin bounty 37 million beli that's you right?"

Gin was confused but still nodded "That is me, Did I do anything wrong Mr. Seth?"

Seth laughed hearing this "No, you haven't done anything wrong. It was just by chance that I saw your bounty during my travels in East Blue. so you're the most powerful pirate in East Blue huh?"

Gin didn't know what to say so he just kept quiet and waited for Seth to finish.

"You must be confused as to why I'm looking for you" Gin nodded. Seth then continued "I would like you to join me, you wouldn't have any rank you will just be a lowly crew member. You'll need to prove yourself worthy if you want some resources or rewards from me."

When he heard that an Emperor was recruiting him, Gin was elated then he looked at his crew mates and shook his head and said "I'm sorry but I must decline your invitation Mr. Seth, as you can see I have a pirate crew already and I don't want to leave them behind."

Seth was surprised he didn't thought Gin to be such a person, He thought for a moment then said "You will train under me for 1 year, If you prove that you can become a core member of my crew. I would let you be a commander and you can recruit your former crew members."

Seth continued "As you can see I'm trying to expand my crew and would likely have a lot of commanders in the future, So if you want to become one of those commanders you must train hard. but let me tell you, you're not the only one who has the ability to become a commander so you must work harder than anyone else if you want to have that position. and also, I won't take no for an answer so you will have to follow me back."

Gin was surprised he didn't know why an Emperor would want to recruit him so badly, but he can't refuse him so he promised to himself that he would become a commander in a year so that he could bring his crew mates with him.

He looked at his crew members and said "I would be gone for a year, so I hope that you won't slack off and train harder because when I return we would resume our adventure to the grandline under the 5th Emperor's banner so I hope you won't disappoint me when the time comes."

All of his crew members nodded in agreement with a serious look on their faces, they promised that within a year they will become much stronger.

Gin walked towards Seth and said "I'm ready Captain, we can go now" Seth nodded then said to Sentinel "Let's go back"

Sentinel materialized a gate portal shocking everyone, Seth then gestured Gin while the latter was still shocked seeing a gate suddenly appear but immediately recovered and walked through the gate.

After passing through the gate Gin was shocked because he was now on an island, he scanned his surrounding and saw 3 pirates ship docked on the sea, and there were many pirate who were preparing for a banquet.

Seth then called Bentham who started spinning towards Seth "Captain Chan~ what can I help you with?"

"This guy is Gin and would be part of our crew, introduce him to the others so that he could familiarize himself with his new crew." Bentham nodded then pulled Gin.

After finishing everything Seth flew towards his room, when he landed on the balcony he could sense Hancock inside.

He then entered and saw Hancock just gazing outside of the window, he then walked behind Hancock and hugged her "Is there something that's bugging my princess?"

Hancock sighed then replied "I don't know Dear, I told you that you can have other wives but now that you brought one back. I'm afraid that you would leave me because you already have another wife."

Seth was surprised that Hancock was afraid that he would leave her so he chuckled "Princess, Why are you afraid? you're my main wife remember? and even if have 2 other wives in the future I wouldn't replace them with you."

He hugged her tightly then continued "You're the very first person that I loved, and that makes you special. I will always treat my wives fairly so no need to be afraid that I would leave you, you're just being paranoid and It makes me laugh seeing you like this"

Hancock pouted hearing Seth saying that she was being paranoid "Hmp! If I ever found out that you're treating me unfairly be sure to prepare yourself, because I will cut off your little thing down there!"

Seth chuckled he carried Hancock then threw her on the bed, a while later some lovely sounds could be heard coming from the room.

(A/N: Let's make it a default that every time Seth would have a love making session he would automatically hide the ring okay?)

After a couple of rounds making love Hancock was now laying on her favorite spot on top of Seth's chest. Seth was caressing her hair and said "Princess, please don't think about those things anymore okay? I hope that you could trust me that I won't ever leave you. I'm already doing everything I can so that I could always make you happy, and thinking that you're doubting me kinda hurts you know."

Hancock was surprised hearing this and blamed herself for not trusting Seth "I'm sorry Dear, from now on I would stop thinking about those kind of things and will fully trust you *Mwah!*" Seth chuckled seeing Hancock's reaction.

They then slept because Seth was tired from all the journey he did a couple of days ago and just wanted to have a relaxing time with his wife.