Seth is an Uncle?

A whole month passed by, Seth was currently fighting a large crocodile when suddenly Seth's eyes turned into a pitch black color.

The crocodile froze seeing Seth's pitch black eyes and immediately fainted, then a white thing came out of the crocodile's body and was floating towards Seth.

Seth held the white thing and said "This crocodiles soul is much stronger than the other ones, I can't believe that I need to feast on souls just to awaken my devil fruit power, this is kinda disturbing haaay. Time to eat"

Seth then swallowed the crocodile's soul, after feasting on the soul. Seth's eyes changed back into his normal blue eyes. he currently awakened 30% of the grim reaper's devil fruit power.

He only found out that he needed to feast on other souls is when he suddenly awakened his soul devour skill, he was surprised when the soul of the animal he killed floated towards him and he had the urge to devour the animal's soul.

From then on he started feasting on different kinds of soul, he didn't know what Hancock's reaction would be when she finds out that her husband had become a freak.

He shook his head and started preparing because it's already been a month, after he finished everything he called green and they teleported to Amazon Lily.

When he reached Amazon Lily he saw the Gran Tesoro beside the island, he also saw 2 ships that resembles Azrael. the one on the left was pure black while the one on the right was designed with golden colors.

Seth already knew that the one on the left is Gerhardt's and Lazarus ship while on the right is Tesoro's.

He then took out his den den mushi and called Tesoro.

"Tesoro, where are you? I am currently above Amazon Lily."

Tesoro was surprised hearing his Captains voice amd said "I'm currently on Gran Tesoro, I will be coming out with Gerhardt and Lazarus."

"Okay meet me on your ship, I would be waiting for you there" Seth said then ended the call.

He then landed on the golden ship, the crew who were currently manning the ship were startled seeing Seth. they were about to attack the intruder when suddenly Dice stopped them.

"What are you doing idiots?! that's our Fleet Captain! let's go and greet him" the crew were shocked hearing this and immediately lined up and greeted Seth.

Seth smiled and started touring the ship, it was practically the same as his ship the only difference was that most part of the ship was made of gold. he knew Tesoro's reason for doing this because if anyone wanted to attack the ship he could easily defend it using his devil fruit powers.

While Seth was still touring the ship Tesoro, Gerhardt and Lazarus finally arrived. they walked towards Seth and greeted him.

"It's good to see you again guys, are there any changes during my secluded training?" Seth asked.

Tesoro nodded then said "Yes, there were many changes fleet admiral Sengoku stepped down on his position and Aokiji replaced him. Akainu didn't agree and challenged Aokiji for the position of fleet admiral, but the former fleet admiral Kong intervened and said that Akainu is not fit to be a fleet admiral because he is easily influenced by his emotions and won't be able to make proper decisions."

"Akainu reluctantly agreed and Aokiji is currently the fleet admiral, replacing Aokiji's position was a blind man named Ishho his power is currently unknown."

Seth was surprised because Aokiji and Akainu didn't fought for the position of Fleet Admiral and Aokiji was the one who claimed it, "Are those the only major event that has happened?"

Tesoro shook his head and continued "After the war there were only 2 warlords left so the World Government immediately searched for potential candidates. recently there were 3 pirates who became a warlord. the first is "Mad Monk" Urouge who is from your generation Captain."

Seth nodded and he let Tesoro continue, "The second is a Pirate from the new world who is called "Werewolf" who has a bounty of 420 million beli. he ate the mytical zoan devil fruit "Werewolf" and that's where her got his title."

Tesoro took a breather and continued "The last one is kinda special because he calls himself Edward Weevil the self proclaimed son of Whitebeard"

When Seth heard this he couldn't help but laugh "Hahahaha! is that true? what did the old man say?"

"As of now Whitebeard still didn't respond" Seth grinned hearing this he immediately took out his den den mushi and called Whitebeard.

After ringing for a while Whitebeard answered "What do you want brat? are you starting to miss me?"

Seth laughed hearing Whitebeard "No no, I called you because I didn't know that I have a nephew and he is currently a warlord, I'm kinda hurt because you didn't tell me your little brother that you had a son." Seth said with a hurt voice.

Tesoro, Gerhardt and Lazarus sweated hearing this, they knew that they are allied with Whitebeard but their Captain is clearly playing fire right now.

Whitebeard was silent for a moment and snorted "Hmp! I heard about that guy, let me tell you this brat if I ever had a son It won't look like that, he didn't even inherited even 1% of my genes. so no he is not my son."

"That's too bad old man, by the way I already got Gran Tesoro under me so if you want to have a rest and enjoy life just give me a call."

Whitebeard was surprised "You already got that ship? then what about that brat Tesoro? don't tell me you killed him." Tesoro really wanted to cry hearing this (did they already planned on stealing my ship?)

"Of course not, I'm a civilized person If there's a room for negotiation I would gladly negotiate with them" Whitebeard rolled his eyes hearing this..

"Okay okay, so tell me how you got it benevolent emperor?"

Seth chuckled then explained what happened during his travel and how he and Tesoro went to Mary Geoise to rescue his lover.

Whitebeard was dumbfounded hearing that Seth went to Mary Geoise just to save a person he said "Brat, you're really daring you know that? haaay, It's good that they didn't recognize you or else the Celestial Dragons will keep on pestering you till you die."

"Yeah like I care if they want to hunt me down, that's all for now old man don't forget to give me call if you want to have some fun Ciao!" Seth then hang up not waiting for Whitebeard to reply.