Lazarus's Past

While Gerhardt and Lazarus were on their way towards Ryugu Palace, Neptune was currently seated on his throne and the minister of the left was reporting him the identity of the 2 commanders.

"The 2nd commander of the Scythe Pirates is called "Gerhardt" we don't know if he has a bounty or not while the 3rd commander is "Lazarus" and he is our former royal guard, all we know was that he left his post to save his wife from pirates who kidnapped her and we didn't have any news about him since then"

Jinbe was also inside the room he knew who Lazarus was because they were friends but he also didn't know what happened to him.

Neptune then said "There's no use on thinking about what happened to him all these years, we can just ask him, that is if he want's to talk about it.

The minister of the left and Jinbe nodded and waited for Gerhardt and Lazarus to arrive.

A couple of minutes later the room was opened and a guard immediately said "The 2nd and 3rd commander of the Scythe Pirates has finally arrive"

Gerhardt and Lazarus then entered the room, the latter was looking at the familiar room with nostalgia he then looked at Neptune and said "It's good to see you again Neptune"

Neptune looked at Lazarus then asked "Lazarus, I want to know where is Yuki? why isn't she with you?"

When Neptune asked this question the room immediately became tensed.

Lazarus looked coldly at Neptune and said with gritted teeth "You have the nerve to ask about my wife?! where were you when she was kidnapped by those pirates huh?! I was the only one who went to save her! so you don't have the right to know."

"You know that we don't have enough man power to save Yuki at that time and the Fish man island was current on war with different pirates. You think that I wouldn't want to save the little sister of my wife?" Neptune replied

Lazarus snorted hearing Neptune's excuse "What's the use of knowing about Yuki's situation? she already passed away while giving birth to our daughter"

Neptune was shocked hearing that Yuki already passed away, he closed his eyes and said sofly "I'm sorry I couldn't save your little sister Otohime" he then looked at Lazarus and asked "So where is my niece?"

Lazarus laughed madly "Neptune, don't ask about my daughter because I wouldn't want her to meet a useless uncle like you and you don't need to know about what happened to us these past years. It was all thanks to my Captain that I got to have another chance to live and see my daughter smile again so if I were you stop trying to search for my daughter or else you wouldn't want to make an enemy out of me."

After finishing his speech Lazarus walked out of the room followed by Gerhardt.

Neptune sighed seeing Lazarus so angry, the minister of the right who was quiet sudden spoke "Your majesty, why did you just let him leave? His strength alone would help us boost our power especially since he is a commader of the 5th Emperor.

Jinbe shook his head hearing what the minister of the right said and left the room. the minister of the left smacked the head of the minister of the right and scolded him "Are you even using your brain?! didn't you hear what they were talking about earlier? and do you think the 5th Emperor would let his commander stay here just to protect us?"

The minister of the right rubbed his head and kept quiet, Neptune then said "Just let him be, we can't do anything if he doesn't want to bring his daughter here. I only wanted Shirahoshi to meet her cousin." Neptune sighed then went to his room.

Gerhardt and Lazarus were currently walking in the streets when Gerhardt spoke "I didn't know that you had that kind of past, we could have taught him some lesson if you wanted to vent some anger you know."

Lazarus rolled his eyes at his friend "Just sh*t up and follow me"

They then started walking and stopped in front of a shop called "Mermaid Cafe", Gerhardt immediately had stars in his eyes and immediately went inside.

Lazarus left Gerhardt and went to the counter and asked "Is Shyarly around? can you inform her that her brother is back"

The mermaid was shocked hearing this and immediately went to call Madam Shyarly. moments later Shyarly arrived and when she saw Lazarus she immediately teared up and hugged him she spoke while sobbing "Where have you been all this time big brother?! I was worried and I can't even use my power to search your location."

Lazarus patted the back of his little sister and said "I'm back Shyarly, I will tell you what happened to me this past couple of years."

Shyarly nodded and they went to back her room where no one could hear their conversation. Lazarus then started telling Shyarly about what happened to him, how his wife was kidnapped and died while giving birth. How he and cassie was captured by the Celestial Dragon and was later on saved by Seth.

Shyarly didn't know what to say and could only cry when she found out what his big brother has been through all this years. she then asked "So where is Cassie? I want to meet her big brother"

Lazarus smiled and said "She is currently at my Captain's territory, she is having a great life with lots of friends, if you want I can bring you there."

"Really? I want to go and meet my little niece big brother, when can we go there?" Shyarly asked clearly excited to meet her niece.

"There there, don't be too excited wait until I leave Fishman island and I will bring you there. so you must settle your mermaid cafe first and have someone manage it while you're gone." Shyarly nodded and continued asking her brother about the world above the sea.

Lazarus really liked to see his little sister act like a spoiled girl when he's around, he knows that if he isn't around shyarly would act all serious and you would be shock to know that she has a cute side.