On the move!

Judge looked like he aged a lot when he heard that the 5th Emperor was really acquainted with Sanji, he then bowed at Seth and took his leave with his sons.

Judge was about to leave when he noticed that his daughter didn't move and just stood at her place looking at Seth.

He then tugged her arm and said "Let's go Reiju there's nothing we can do here." but Reiju just glanced at his father and looked at Seth.

She then spoke "May I know how's my little brother doing?" She spoke without emotions but Seth knew that she really cared for Sanji even though she currently lacks emotion.

Seth smiled at Reiju and said "Sanji is doing well, I received a call from a friend of mine and he told me that he is currently training Sanji on his island."

Reiju didn't react hearing this and nodded "That's good then, tell him that his sister said hello." she then turned around and left with Judge.

Seeing the Germa leave Tesoro who was at the side asked "Captain, why didn't you agree in forming an alliance with them? we can still ally with each other without any marriage."

Seth looked at Tesoro and explained "Why do you think they want to ally with us? they can already fend for themselves so why do they still need to bow their heads and asked for an alliance with a new emperor?"

Tesoro thought for a moment then said "The only reason that I can think of is that they offended someone powerful and are looking for a strong backer to protect them from that strong entity that they have offended."

Seth nodded "You're right and I think that the one they offended is one of the 5 emperors it could either be kaido or big mom. because Whitebeard and Shanks won't care about them."

Hancock then interjected "So you're saying that if we agreed to become their ally we could potential have an all out war with one of the Emperors?"

"That's right princess, that's why I didn't accept their proposal"

he then looked at Nami and Robin and asked "Do you pity them? knowing that they will be fighting an enemy that they have no chance of defeating?"

Robin shook her head while Nami was hesitating to speak, after struggling for a while she then said "I don't pity his dad or his brothers, but I would like to save his sister. Even though her voice lacks emotion when she was asking about Sanji I can feel that she really cares for his younger brother."

Hancock frowned hearing this and asked Nami "So do you want Seth to save her?"

Nami nodded weakly and glanced at Seth with pleading eyes.

Seth sighed and waved his hands to block the tense atmosphere and said "Sentinel, go and tell Judge that Reiju is now under my protection she must stay at Gran Tesoro from now on and become one of it's staff and tell them that the rest of them can scram"

Sentinel bowed and walked out of the room to inform Judge about his Captain's orders.

Hancock just sighed then sat down on her chair, it was all good because Reiju wouldn't be near Seth and she would be constantly monitoring her every movements.

A couple of minutes later Reiju entered the room, she still had a calm face and just looked at Seth.

Seth then looked at Nami and said "You can tell her everything, and show her around Gran Tesoro so she could familiarize with her new home."

Nami smiled sweetly and walked towards Reiju "Let's go Reiju I'll show you around Gran Tesoro" she then pulled Reiju and went out of the room.

Seth could only sigh seeing this he then asked "Robin what's your plan? do you want to join Nami on weatheria?"

Robin shook her head and replied "Nope, I would be joining you with your travels in the New World."

"What about your crew? you don't want to be with them anymore?" Seth asked.

Robin smiled and replied "I didn't say that I would be joining in your travels forever, I would only join you for a year then I would be returning to my crew" she then winked playfully at Seth.

Seth then laughed hearing this, he then ordered "Tesoro, Gerhardt and Lazarus go back to your ship and continue your journey."

The three nodded and walked out of the room, Seth then took out a den den mushi and called Bentham telling him to bring all Commanders to his room immediately.

A couple of minutes later the 7 Commanders arrived and stood in front of Seth with an orderly fashion.

Seth looked at each of his commanders and said "Gin, you should go back to east blue and gather your crew after gathering them immediately find a temporary ship and enter the grand line. when you reach the grand line immediately go to water 7 and get your permanent ship I already called Iceburg a month ago and told him to prepare 5 ships."

Gin nodded and said "Thank you for letting my old crew join Captain!" he then bowed at Seth.

Seth then continued "Shere Khan you would pair up with Bentham and the two of you will be partners just like Gerhardt and Lazarus, Lucy and Galdino would also be in your ship."

The both of them nodded and thank their Captain.

"Crocodile and Daz Bonez will also be pairing up, just bring 10 new members with you to help you man the ship."

He then finally looked at the two troublesome members and said "Jared you would be sailing by yourself and expand your crew understand?" Jared saluted and said "Aye aye, Captain! don't worry I won't disappoint you."

Seth ignored Jared's speech and turned towards Ron "Ron you will also be sailing by yourself so do your best, even though you got corrupted by that idiot at your side I know you can be trusted so I hope you can expand our crew even more."

"Sentinel and Presley would be joining me on my travels because I need their talents and they are easy to handle, you muscle heads can leave and do your own thing." After finishing his speech Seth dismissed all his commanders and let them prepare for tomorrow's departure.