
While the 5th Emperor of the sea is finally starting his journey towards the New World, The new Fleet Admiral "Aokiji" is currently sitting on his office with Garp and Sengoku.

"I heard that the 5th Emperor is already making his move in claiming territories in the New World" Sengoku said while eating a cracker.


"Oy Garp! that's my crackers! go and buy your own crackers don't keep stealing from me!" Sengoku stood up and started pointing his finger on Garp while scolding him.

"Bwahahahaha! It's only a cracker Sengoku! look you're already growing white hairs because you always get mad on such simple things! *munch!*munch!*" Garp laugh then ate his crackers.

Sengoku sighed in defeat and returned to his seat, he then looked at Aokiji and asked "So how are you gonna handle things with the 5th Emperor? I heard that his 1st Commander is "Gild Tesoro" you know that he's a strong opponent with an awakened devil fruit."

Sengoku continued "His 2nd and 3rd Commanders were the missing slaves from Mary Geoise so we can assume that Seth was the one who helped them escape, did the World Government released their bounties already?"

Aokiji who was busy signing some papers finally spoke in a lazy voice "Yeah, "Tesoro" got 970 million while Gerhardt got 840 million and Lazarus got 790 million."

Sengoku wasn't shocked hearing this and nodded his head "Looks like those geezers knew how dangerous those 3 commanders are and immediately put a high bounty on them."

While Sengoku and Aokiji were discussing about Seth's commanders an assistant barged inside the office.

"I'm sorry for intruding Fleet Admiral Aokiji but we just received a report that 4 ships that resembles "Azrael" just left Water 7" The assistant reported

Aokiji thanked his assistant and dismissed him, the assistant bowed at Aokiji then left the room.

"Haaaay, Looks like Seth is finally making his move and to think that Water 7 is the one building his ships." Aokiji sighed.

Sengoku frowned and warned Aokiji "Don't even think of attacking Water 7 because you know who is guarding that island and we don't have the time to fight with him."

Aokiji smiled wearily and said "Of course I know about that Sir Sengoku, I wouldn't be stupid enough to pick a fight with that old monster."


A woman then entered the room she has a long bright pink hair with darkish-pink eyes, she had big boobs and a sexy body.

"Greetings Inspector General Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp and Fleet Admiral Aokiji, I just received a report that "Azrael" the main ship of the 5th Emperor has emerged and is currently going towards Sabaody Archipelago. We speculate that the 5th Emperor "Bloody Scythe Seth" is on board and is heading towards Fishman Island." The pink haired woman said

Aokiji nodded and thanked the woman "Thank you for reporting this Agatha, but you shouldn't do this kind of work you're an Admiral so you should just let my assistant tell me about this things."

"I'm sorry Fleet Admiral Aokiji but the reason why I reported this to you personally is because I want to go to Fishman Island so that I could Apprehend the 5th Emperor before he can enter the New World." Agatha said with a serious face.

Sengoku and Garp were dumbfounded when they heard Agatha said that she wanted to capture Seth.

Aokiji massage his glabella when he heard this and replied "You don't need to apprehend him right away Agatha, just stand-by for now and for wait my orders"

Agatha shook her head in response and said "Fleet Admiral Aokiji the reason why I agreed to become an Marine Admiral is because I wanted to catch a specific pirate and that is "Blood Scythe Seth" so I would like you to agree to my request"

"Why are you obsessed on fighting the 5th Emperor Agatha?" Aokiji asked in frustration.

Agatha was silent for a moment then explained "A year ago my grandmother sensed an evil power appear in the world, she told me that the one who gained that power is the 5th Emperor of the sea. she told me to set out and apprehend this evil entity before it destroys the current balance of the world."

The three men who were inside the office was speechless hearing this and sighed.

"Okay okay, you are permitted to go to Fishman Island to apprehend the 5th Emperor. Just know that if you're in a disadvantage you must retreat right away understand?" Aokiji said.

When Agatha heard Aokiji's approval she just bowed at him and took her leave.

When Agatha left the room Garp immediately laughed "Bwahahahaha! looks like you have some unique Admirals under you Aokiji"

Sengoku was in deep thought and said "I only hope that she would be able to return back to Marine Ford."

Aokiji nodded in agreement "Yeah, I hope that Seth would be lenient with her we all know that he was already strong when he fought against Akainu and Kizaru at the same time. I don't know how strong he became in this past year."

"We also heard rumors about Seth and Whitebeard being sworn brothers, facing 2 emperors at the same time won't be good for us" Sengoku while looking outside the window.

Agatha who left the office is currently preparing her things, while packing her stuff she held a photo frame and caressed it gently "Don't worry big brother, I would surely take back your devil fruit. Even though he wasn't the one who killed you but Grandmother told me that he is the current wielder of your devil fruit so he must DIE!"

Agatha said with fire in her eyes, after packing everything she then went out and boarded her warship