
Hancock was currently walking towards Shirahoshi's room, after a couple of minutes Hancock was now standing in front of a huge metal door.

There were many weapons embedded at the door, seeing this Hancock pitied Shirahoshi and told the guards to open the door.


Hancock walked inside and saw a huge mermaid who was currently sleeping with a huge shark beside her.

Hancock softened seeing this and went up the bed.

The guards immediately left and closed the door for safety purpose.

When Hancock landed on the bed the shark woke up and made a sound while staring angrily at Hancock.

Shirahosi also woke up from the sound and was surprised that there was someone on her bed.

She got frightened and asked sheepishly "ummm, who are you? and what are you doing inside my room?"

Hancock smiled hearing Shirahoshi and said "My name is Hancock, may I know what your name is?"

Shirahoshi became less vigilant seeing Hancock's beautiful smile and told herself that such a beautiful woman wouldn't be bad.

"Un, My name is Shirahoshi. Nice to meet you lady Hancock you are really beautiful." Shirahoshi said while staring at Hancock.

Hancock chuckled and said "Do you want to leave the room with me?"

Shirahoshi looked excited when she heard this and a moment later she made a sad face and said dejectedly "I want to but there's a bad guy out there who wants to hurt me that's why I'm always inside my room and can't get out."

When Hancock saw Shirahoshi's devastated look she promised not to let that pervert die until he suffers.

Hancock touched Shirahoshi's hand and said "Don't worry about that bad guy my husband already dispatched his crew members to take care of him"

"Re .. really?!?! your husband must be really strong lady Hancock, but can we first visit my mother's grave?" She said longingly.

Hancock immediately agreed making the big princess swim with joy, Shirahoshi then changed her clothes.

After changing Shirahoshi nervously followed Hancock outside the room.

"Lady Hancock maybe my father would get angry if I left without his permission" Shirahoshi said with teary eyes.

Hancock laughed and sneered, she said "Your father getting angry just because I let you out? let him try and we'll see if he can still be the king tomorrow"

Shrihahoshi didn't get what Hancock was saying but she knew that her father won't get angry and sighed in relief.

Hancock and Shirahoshi were currently heading towards the banquet hall.

The guards who were stationed inside the palace were surprised seeing Shirahoshi out of her room they were about to tell her to go back when suddenly they noticed Hancock and just stood at their position.

After walking for a couple of minutes they finally arrived at the banquet hall, Shirahoshi were looking at the familiar room with sparkling eyes.

She looked around and saw his father and 3 brothers sitting on the table, she immediately swam towards them in order to greet them.

But when she arrived at their table, Shirahoshi was puzzled because they were all looking downwards and gritting their teeth while an unknown man was scolding them, seeing this Shirahoshi immediately defended her family.

"Stop scolding them you you youu .. just stop why are you even getting mad at my family? have they done anything wrong?" Shirahoshi asked while blocking Seth's line of sight with her big arms.

Seth chuckled hearing this and said "I was just educationg them Shirahoshi, no need to mind them so where is Hancock?"

Shirahoshi was stunned when she heard Seth talk to her so nicely and was puzzled. she unconsciously leaned to the side and showed Hancock.

Hancock then walked towards Seth and sat beside him giving him a peck on the cheek she then said to Shirahoshi "This is my husband Shirahoshi, he was just scolding them because they didn't do anything when that pervert Vander Decken was harassing you."

Shirahoshi then realized that the one in front of her was the one who saved her by capturing Vander Decken, she immediately bowed to thank Seth "Thank you so much for helping me Mister Seth, sorry for getting mad at you earlier."

Seth shook his head seeing the innocent princess and said "So shirahoshi I heard that you didn't got the chance to visit your mother, so do you wanna go now?"

Shirahoshi nodded excitedly "Yes, I really want to go and meet mother" she then looked at Hancock and hesitated for a moment.

Hancock saw this and stood up "You don't need to be shy Shirahoshi, I will follow you to your mothers grave."

Shirahoshi smiled and thank Hancock for agreeing to join her.

The two immediately went towards the grave with a bunch of guards protecting them.

Seth then looked at the 4 guys who was still lowering their heads and said while standing up "If you're this weak then I think that it would be better if Shirahoshi will stay on my territory in the future."

Neptune raised his head and asked confusingly "Why?"

Seth sneered and said "You think I don't know about Shirahoshi's power? It would only be a matter of time before the others will find out. do you think Whitebeard can always stay on Fishman Island to protect Shirahoshi?"

Neptune was stunned because Seth knew about Shirahoshi he was about to ask how he know about it but Seth spoke again.

"Don't ask any unecessary questions my decision is final and Shirahoshi will be stayinging on my territory from now on."

He then looked at their reaction and continued "The three prince could follow her and continue their training on my territory."

The three prince was shocked when they heard this, they knew that this was an opportunity they couldn't miss and immediately stood up and thanked Seth.

Neptune sighed seeing this and didn't say anything else.