Doodoo is ready

Hancock didn't follow Seth back to the palace and went back to the cell room, she now standing in front of Vander Decken's cell looking at him with a calm expression.

Vander Decken was looking at Hancock with a lifeless eyes, he was now missing both of his arms.

"Please spare me" Vander Decken said while looking at Hancock in fear, he didn't know that this woman in front of him was such a devil and immediately cut off his arms when she entered the cell.

Hancock didn't reply at Decken and summoned her spear, she immediately impaled Decken's head. *PUCHI!*

Vander Decken didn't have time to react and immediately died, the red spear then started feeding on Vander Decken's blood after a couple of minutes a white fruit appeared and floated on Hancock's hand.

Hancock looked at the devil fruit and stored it inside her clothes and walked out the cell.

Seth was currently inside his room resting when suddenly Hancock entered and threw him a white devil fruit.

He caught it and was about to ask when Hancock said "It's that perverts devil fruit, I killed him and extracted his devil fruit."

Hearing this Seth didn't ask any further and stored the fruit inside the ring, he then stood up and hugged Hancock from behind.

"It was really a tiring day princess why not accompany your husband tonight?" Seth said while kissing Hancock's neck.

Hancock can't reject Seth's advancement and she lay down on the bed while Seth was on top of her doing his own things.

On the next day Seth was now standing in front of a huge gate portal set up by Sentinel, Neptune and his children stood in front of Seth.

"Shirahoshi and the three of you, are you ready to live on my territory from now on?" Seth asked.

The three prince's nodded and walked in front of the portal, Shirahoshi cried and hugged her father and said "I don't want to leave you father"

Neptune looked at his daughter with loving eyes and started stroking her back he said in a gentle voice "You need to go Shirahoshi because it is safer if you are in Seth's territory, Don't worry because father will visit you frequently. Didn't you say that you wanted to see the world above?"

Shirahoshi stopped crying and nodded "Un, I would like to see the world above the sea. but don't forget to visit us father"

Neptune laughed and assured Shirahoshi that he will visit her frequently.

After hearing Neptune promise Shirahoshi reluctantly let go of Neptune and went towards her brothers.

Seth smiled at Shirahoshi and said "I hope you enjoy your stay on my territory Shirahoshi, Don't worry because everyone is nice there and Robin will be following you for the time being until you familiarize your new home."

Robin then walked beside Shirahoshi and led her in front of the gate portal, Sentinel immediately activated the portal then Robin, Shirahoshi and the three Prince's walked in then disappeared.

Neptune sighed seeing his children were already gone, After confirming that everyone had successfully traveled Sentinel then waved his hands and the huge gate portal disappeared.

Seth then walked up to Neptune and said "Sentinel has already created a huge portal inside your room" he then handed Neptune a black emblem with runes engraved in it.

"If you want to visit Shirahoshi just place this emblem in front of the portal and it will immediately activate, do remember that it is only specifically made for you and no one can enter the portal except for you. if someone tried to enter with you then they will immediately be disintegrated." Seth warned.

Neptune nodded and took the emblem, he then immediately stored it like it was a precious treasure.

After settling everything Seth boarded Azrael with Hancock, Agatha was also sent to Gran Tesoro for future observation.

Seth then stood in front of his chair and said "Let's set sail to the New World!"


Everybody cheered in response and the Azrael immediately set sail.

Dressrosa New World

"Doffy, I heard that Seth the 5th Emperor has just left Fishman Island and is currently ascending to the New World" Trebol said.

Doflamingo smiled wickedly hearing this and laughed "Ufufufufu, looks like it is finally time to settle my grievance with him, I don't care if they call him the 5th Emperor because to me he is only a little rookie."

He then stood up and ordered "Tell all the executives to meet me in the meeting room"

Trebol nodded and walked out the room.

Doflamingo then stood in front of the window gazing his kingdom, "We'll see if you're really strong enough to hold the title of an Emperor"

Seth had no idea that Doflamingo was already preparing to fight him, because to Seth "doodoo" wasn't really a threat anymore and he already forgot about his fight with him.

"Captain! we are about to reach to top!" a crew member said

Seth nodded and looked up, he could finally see the sunlight. moments later the Azrael has finally ascend and was now floating on top of the sea.

"We're finally in the New World, looks like the weather is great" Seth said while looking at the beautiful sunny weather.

Hancock then walked up beside Seth and asked "So what is your next plan dear?"

Seth thought for a moment then said "We will see, for now let's just follow where the log pose is currently pointed."

"But dear there are three directions to choose from" Hancock said.

Seth looked at the log pose then shrugged "Just choose a random position"

Hancock rolled her eyes hearing Seth's response and choose a random direction.