New Skill

Jack snorted hearing Seth and spoke to Doflamingo completely ignoring Seth "Oy Joker let's finish this as soon as possible, Captain Kaido told me to finish things quickly because I need to track down some samurai's"

Doflamingo chuckled hearing this and said "Ufufufufu what an impatient fellow" He then turned around and said to his crew.

"Eliminate all of the opposing side without mercy!"

"Yes Doffy" Everyone replied and immediately dashed towards the Scythe Pirates.

Seth seeing this shook his head and also ordered his crew to eliminate their enemy.

"Princess, please be careful of Sugar okay?" Seth said to Hancock.

Hancock smiled then kissed him on the cheeks "Don't worry about me and focus on your fight. looks like you will be facing two flies today" she giggled then dashed towards Sugar.

Seth then turned his attention towards the two flies in front of him then summoned his dual scythe, he played it for a while then immediately disappeared from his position.

Doflamingo and Jack were surprised because they couldn't even see Seth's movement. Doflamingo immediately used his strings and flew up in the sky while Jack took out his two shotel blades and prepared to block Seth's attack.

Right after Jack took out his blades Seth appeared beside him shocking Jack, he raised both of his blades and was about to attack Seth when suddenly he saw his right arm flying in front of him.

Startled he glanced at his right side and saw that his right arm was severed and blood was gushing out of his severed arm.

"Aaaaaaaaah! My Arm!" Jack shouted in pain, he then clutched his severed arm trying to stop the blood from gushing out.

How could Seth waste a golden opportunity like this, he grinned and dashed towards the vulnerable Jack and was about to severe his head when Doflamingo appeared in front of him and used his strings to block the attack.

Seth created some space between them, he looked at the Doflamingo and grinned evily "Looks like your reinforcement was just a trash and to think that you were grinning earlier like you already won the battle ahahahahaha!"

Doflamingo gritted his teeth hearing Seth's mocking words, he chose to ignore him and immediately used his strings to help Jack close his wounds. He was looking for Jack's severed in order to attach it.

Seth saw Doflamingo looking around trying to find something he laughed and said while holding Jack's severed arm "Hey Doodoo looking for this?"

When Doflamingo saw that Seth got Jack's severed arm he knew that it was impossible to retrieve it, he wont be foolish enough to ask Seth to give it back.

Seth who was floating above was thinking if he should experiment his new skill, after debating for a while he finally to use it to see if it is effective against strong enemy.

He then sprouted his black wings and flew above Doflamingo and Jack "Hey you two idiots be grateful because you will be part of my experiment so I hope that you can cooperate with me."

Doflamingo and Jack were confused hearing this when suddenly dark mist started to appear around them and they couldn't see anything else.

They then decided to use their observation haki to scan the surroundings when suddenly Seth spoke with a deep voice that sent chills down their spines.

"Welcome to Purgatory"