True Emperor

Whitebeard sighed sadly hearing this and replied "I understand, I'll tell Jozu and the others to go to Wano Country and retrieve Ace so that he won't do anything reckless again."

Whitebeard then hang up the den-den mushi, Seth didn't care if Ace dies or what because he isn't Ace's baby sitter.

He then continued to enjoy the mini vacation he had with Hancock.

Ace on the other hand is now preparing to have an all out war with the Beast Pirates because he couldn't just leave the people of Wano all alone, He was also pissed at Seth because he rejected helping him fight against Kaido's forces.

"Hmp! who does he think he is! just because he is crowned as an Emperor he thinks he's a big shot already." Ace cursed at Seth while preparing for their upcoming war.

"Commander Ace! Commander Ace!" one of Ace's sunordinate came running towards him holding a den den mushi.

"What is it?" Ace asked.

The subordinate immediately handed Ace the den den mushi and said "It's Commander Jozu"

Ace took the den den mushi and spoke "What do you want Jozu?"

"Ace, Pops told me to bring you back as soon as possible becuase Emperor Seth will be arriving in 2 weeks and there will be a huge war." Jozu said.

Ace snorted hearing this and replied "So what? tell Pops that I can handle it already. We don't need the help of that arrogant Emperor."

Jozu sighed then explained "Ace, I know that you don't like the 5th Emperor but Pops told me tha I must bring you back at all cost. I will be arriving at Wano in 2 days I hope you won't make it hard for me the 4th, 5th and 6th Commander's are accompanying me so don't think you can escape."

Ace hung up the den den mushi angrily, while Ace was still upset about the call a little girl walked up to him and said "Big Brother Ace don't be upset anymore, Tama is already healed and my wound doesn't hurt that much anymore."

Ace managed to smile seeing Tama he ruffled her hair and said "Tama from now on you will be accompanying me on my journey okay?"

Tama nodded hearing this and smiled happily "Un! Tama will always follow Big Brother Ace!"

2 days later

A black Moby Dick docked on the shore of Wano, Jozu and the 3 commanders jumped of the ship and landed in front of Ace and his subordinates.

"Let's go Ace we need to hurry up or else Kaido will show up and things will get troublesome." Jozu said

Ace nodded and carried Tama "Let's go"

He then boarded the Moby Dick and left with the others.

Meanwhile Kaido was having a meeting with his 2 remaining trusted subordiantes.

"Emperor Kaido why did we left does Whitebeard pirates enter our territory?" Queen asked clearly upset.

Kaido glared at Queen and said "Shut up, we don't need to bother with those ants for now. We should prepare for our upcoming war with that rookie emperor, I'll show him the power of a true Emperor!"