
Seth and his fleet is now above Onigashima Island just when the fleet was about to land a huge blue dragon appeared on the clouds and was making its way to the fleet.

"Captain! It's Kaido! He's already attacking!" Jared shouted and pointed at the huge dragon.

Seth glanced at Kaido and he grew a pair of black wings he flew up on the sky and raised both of his hands and shouted.

"Wind Devastation!"

All of a sudden the calm wind began to become restless. Kaido noticed the sudden change of the atmosphere but he still targeted Seth's fleet.

Seth smirked seeing Kaido was still persisting. While Kaido was still making his was towards the fleet he saw two huge tornadoes appeared on his left and right side trying to swallow him up.

Kaido laughed seeing this and spoke "You think that such a puny trick can stop me? Dream on kid!"

Seth was just glancing at Kaido who was laughing like nothing can stop him.

Right after Kaido destroyed the two huge tornadoes 3 mega basilisk suddenly attacked Kaido simultaneously from above.


"Aaaaaah!" *Bleurgh* Kaido shouted and threw up a mouthful of blood, he finally stopped advancing and looked at the 3 mega basilisk infront of him.

"What a cheap move you made rookie!" Kaido said angrily at Seth.

Seth smiled hearing this and flew closer to Kaido they were now only a few meters apart.

"Why are angry at me Kaido? Can't I use a sneak attack?" Seth said with an innocent face.

Kaido snorted then glanced at Seth's fleet who had successfully landed on Onigashima Island.

Seth noticed Kaido was staring at his fleet and joked "I didn't thought that the "Strongest Creature" will be scared of a fleet"

Kaido then turned his attention towards Seth and said "Don't think that you and your fleet can escape, you killed one of my "Disasters" I think it's fair if I also killed one of your top commanders right?"

As soon as Kaido finished his sentence an armored Pteranodon suddenly appeared above the sky and was flying towards Tesoro.

Seth didn't looked worried at all and just watched King fly towards Tesoro who is now ready for battle.


Tesoro and King finally made contact King clad his beak with haki while Tesoro also clad his golden hand with haki.

They were evenly matched which made Kaido and King surprised because they thought that only Seth is the only strong opponent they have.

Seth then looked at the shocked Kaido and said "Hey, let's focus on our battle shall we? don't mind them because even if my fleet won against your forces I still need to take you down right?"

After saying that Seth summoned his dual scythes and flew towards Kaido.