
Seth was looking at Kaido who was now 2 times bigger than his normal form.

"Wororororo, let's see if you can still defeat me in my ultimate form using that puny berserk form of yours." Kaido laughed and mocked Seth.

Seth didn't care about Kaido's mocking speech, he held his dual scythe and disappeared from his spot he immediately appeared beside Kaido and slashed his scythe towards him.

Kaido, upon seeing Seth disappear from his sight didn't look worried at all. He raised his War Club that was covered with spikes and swung it at his side.


Seth's scythe and Kaido's war club clashed, Seth was sent flying from the impact of the clash he didn't expect Kaido to predict where he would be attacking.

Kaido looked at Seth who was still lost in thought, he raised his right hand and punched the ground.

*Earth Trap!*

The ground started to shake and Seth who was lost in thought was suddenlt startled because he was suddenly trapped by a hand made of rock.

He looked at Kaido and said "Look's like eating the Oni devil fruit can grant you the skill to manipulate the earth."

"You're right about that rookie, we'll see if you can escape from my grasp. Wororororo" Kaido then tightened his hold on Seth.

Seth tried to escape but still can't succeed he then took a deep breath and stopped using his berserk form. he then looked at Kaido and said.

"Don't be too happy Kaido, I still got a lot of skills to show off. BLACK HOLE!"

The hand that was trapping Seth immediately disappeared and was replaced by a dark substance. Seth then took a step forward and stretched his body while being guarded by a black liquid.

Kaido frowned seeing this and said "The rumors were true, you really ate multiple devil fruits. The first one was the wind-wind fruit then the rumble-rumble fruit you also have a fruit that can give you a pair of black wings and lastly that darkness-darkness fruit that you currently use."

Seth didn't care about what Kaido said and replied "Well you almost got everything right but I didn't ate the rumble-rumble fruit and I don't plan to tell you my secrets."

Kaido didn't care anymore and started to attack Seth seriously he pucnhed the ground with both of his fist and shouted "Earth Spikes!"

Multiple earth spike then attacked Seth from below, Seth grew a pair of black wings and dodged the spikes.

Seth was still flying above when suddenly he saw Kaido behind him attacking him using his war club.


Seth was sent crashing down to the ground, Kaido didn't stop there and he summoned an earth pillar below Seth and sent him flying towards Kaido who was waiting to attack him with his war club again.

Seth was still dizzy after being hit from behind and still didn't know what was going on. as soon as he recovered a little he was again hit in the head by Kaido and was once again sent crashing down the ground.

Kaido still wasn't done he descended and landed on Seth's stomach making Seth throw up.

Kaido continued attacking Seth with his war club that sent tremors on the entire island as each hit landed on Seth who was underneath him.

Seth who was being hit again and again has now recovered from the earlier confusion he looked angrily at Kaido who is still hitting him with his war club.

"You puny insect dare to hit me!" Seth was now enraged he didn't know what triggered it but his eyes were now painted red and he was now releasing a murderous aura.

Kaido who was on top of Seth was shocked seeing Seth' s aura change he immediately jumped back and created some space between them.

He was now conscious of Seth because his instict tells him that the opponent in front of him is really dangerous.

Seth stood up and dusted of his shirt he then wiped off the blood from his mouth and started walking slowly towards Kaido.

As Seth was approaching Kaido he was also leaving a trail of black flames.

Kaido looked at the black flame and turned his attention towards Seth who was approaching him slowly.

He then asked "How could you release those flames?"

Seth smirked at Kaido's question and replied "Don't think that you're the only one who ate a Rare Mythical devil fruit."

After Seth was done talking he raised his right hand an a huge ball of black flames materialize out of nowhere. Kaido was looking at the black flames laughed maniacally.

"Worororororo! looks like it is finally my time to die! Whitebeard you old bastard looks like I'm the first to die!" Kaido then looked at Seth who was now throwing the ball of black flames toward him.

"ECLIPSE" Seth said without emotion.

Kaido still tried to block the attack he wanted to know if his strongest attack can nullify that black flame.


Kaido's right enlarged and was clad in haki with his aar club and then dashed towards the black flames trying it back towards Seth.

Just as Kaido swung his war clun at the black flames his war club that was clad in his haki disintegrated.

Kaido laughed seeing his last attack failed and the black flames swallowed Kaido making the Strongest Creature disappear forever.