
After Seth defeated Kaido. Tesoro and Gerhardt also defeated King and Queen.

Seeing their leaders were already dead the remaining beast pirates all surrendered and hope'd that Seth would let them go.

Seth didn't have the time to care what will happen to the citizens of Wano Country and immediately teleported back at Gran Tesoro to accompany his pregnant wife.

But he left Tesoro the newly appointed Vice Captain to handle the matters regarding the aftermath of the war, he also told him to bring Ceaser to Wano Country and cure the citizens.

Gran Tesoro

Hancock was currently resting in a beautiful garden with Reiju accompanying her.

"Haaaaay, I hope Seth is okay" Hancock sighed then looked at the beautiful garden infront of her.

"I really wished that we could just pack our stuff and go to a secluded island and live peacefully."

While Hancock was visualizing her future with Seth. the said man was now currently hidden above the garden and was watching Hancock.

Seth then slowly made his way towards Hancock and hugged her from behind startling her.

"AH!" Hancock shrieked feeling someone hugged her from behind and immediately looked back to see who it was.

When she saw that it was Seth she pouted and said "Why did you surprised me like that?! What if our baby also got startled!"

Seth laughed seeing Hancock's pouting face and pinched her cheeks "Hahaha, Don't worry princess the baby won't be affected and you're still only 2 months pregnant."

Hancock glared at Seth and said "I don't care, you better stop surprising me like that or else you will sleep outside the room and guard the door."

Seth didn't even argue and raised both his hands up to tell her that he gave up.

Seeing Seth give up Hancock smiled and nodded happily, she then leaned against Seth's chest and asked.

"How was the war Dear?"

Seth replied while hugging his beloved wife. "It went well, I didn't expect Kaido to be such a formidable foe. I used my strongest attack just to eliminate him too bad I didn't got the chance to extract his Devil Fruit because he was decimated by my attack."

Hancock just nodded and didn't asked any further questions, because to her what's important is that Seth came back safely.

While Seth and Hancock were having a relaxed time in their garden. The rest of the world was now in turmoil when the news that Kaido was killed spread out.


Aokiji was now having a meeting with all the higher ups of Marineford.

"To think that he actually killed Kaido, what a scary guy" Aokiji said while reading the report.

"Wahahahaha! Isn't that great? an emperor is finally killed and we didn't even lost a single soldier." Garp said while eating his crackers.

Sengoku who was beside him gave him a slap from behind and said "Don't celebrate you idiot! you already had the chance to defeat him when you were in water 7. But no! you acted like you were defeated and made that guy boost his confidence thinking that he actually defeated the Marine Hero Garp!"

Garp just laughed hearing this and continued eating his crackers.

Akainu who was sitting beside Aokiji spoke "I think we should now attack Seth while he is still weakened after battling Kaido, We cannot let this chance slip by!"

"I agree, I still can't forgive that brat for severing my arm!" Kizaru spoke and agreed on Akainu's idea.

Aokiji shook his head and said "No, we cannot afford to engage in a battle against an Emperor right now. the first thing we need to do is recuperate our losses from the war of the best so that we can contend against the 4 Emperors again."

Garp and Sengoku nodded in agreement making Aokiji's decision final, even though he is the Fleet Admiral he still needs the agreement of the majority in order to finalize his decision.

Moby Dick

"Gurarararara! To think that brat really managed to kill Kaido. that idiot really thinks that he was the best when we were still travelling together" Whitebeard said and started having flashback of his past.


"Hey Newgate! come and spar with me. Don't be such a lazy bum you are always day dreaming on creating a family!" A young Kaido said while pointing a saber at Whitebeard.

The young Whitebeard opened his eyes then glanced at Kaido saying "Sh*t up, go and pester Lin-Lin I think that she will gladly accept your challenge."

The young Kaido froze hearing this and stopped provoking Whitebeard "Hmp! Just tell me that you don't want to fight. no need to mention that crazy girl!"


"I hope you have a great life on the other side old friend" Whitebeard said in low voice then drank his sake.

Whole Cake Island

Half of the Whole Cake Island was destroyed by a rampaging Emperor.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH! You big jerk! You said that you will give me a child to conquer the world! you imbecile!" Big Mom screamed and continued rampaging.

"Mama! Mama! Calm down, if you don't stop the whole island will be destroyed!" Katakuri shouted trying to persuade Big Mom to stop her rampage.

Big Mom didn't even listened to her son and continued destroying everything, "Just you wait Seth! I will destroy you with my own hands!!!"

On an Unknown Island

"Captain! look at the news!" Lucky Roo handed a newspaper to Shanks.

Shanks accepted the newspaper and read the article. "To think that he actually killed Kaido, hmmm. The sea will now be much chaotic tell the crew to prepare to set sail I will need to go somewhere."

"Aye! Captain!" Lucky Roo said and ordered the crew to get ready to set sail.