I just felt like it

After catching up with each other Luffy then jumped on top of a chair and said in a loud "It's good to see you guys again, but we need to set sail as soon as possible because the marines will be catching up to us anytime soon."

Everyone nodded hearing their captain's word and immediately started doing their task in order to set sail.

While the Strawhats be busy preparing the sails a bright yellow light appeared above their ship.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji who already learned observation haki immediately noticed the arrival of a strong enemy.

They simultaneously looked up and saw Kizaru materializing infront of them, Kizaru then looked towards the Strawhats and said "Looks like I made it just in time"

Chopper who was in his human form heard this and looked above he immediately shouted "AAAAAAAAAAH! Everyone! Admiral Kizaru is here!"

Zoro snorted hearing this and replied "We can already see him Chopper no need to shout"

The rest of the Strawhats then turned their attention towards Kizaru, all of them were tense because even though they already trained for 2 years but facing an Admiral right off the bat is still overwhelming to them.

Nami and Robin who were with their crew just glanced at Kizaru and didn't felt any pressure coming from him. they thought (You're just an Admiral who was defeated by our husband hmp! why should we be scared of you)

Luffy chuckled seeing Kizaru and said "Looks like I can finally see how strong I became this last two years training with my Father and Brothers."

Luffy then used his gear 2nd and the battle started between Luffy and Kizaru, while all of this was happening Seth was just above them and enjoyed the show.

"Hmmmm, you really became stronger Strawhat. but, you're not the only who trained this past 2 years!" Kizaru said then suddenly he clad his leg with haki and while simultaneously using his devil he kicked Luffy.

Luffy couldn't even dodge Kizaru's kick and was sent flying towards the Groove.

(Looks like Kizaru also powered up during this past 2 years) Seth thought then stood up.

After sending Luffy flying Kizaru turned into a yellow light and dashed towards Luffy, he then clad his leg again with haki and tried to end the fight.

Just a Kizaru's leg was about to hit Luffy, someone suddenly grabbed him by his shoulder and threw him towards the ground.

Kizaru was shocked and looked at the one who grabbed him, seeing this familiar person Kizaru couldn't help but emit a murderous aura.

He looked at Seth with blood shot eyes and asked "What are you doing here? and why are you interfering with my business?!"

Seth shrugged and said "Because I just felt like it"

Kizaru almost vomited blood hearing Seth's reason he stood up and pointed at him "Don't think that just because you defeated Kaido you're already invincible, just wait and see one day I will surpass you and will be the one to take your life away!"

As soon as Kizaru finished his speech he turned into a yellow light and escaped.

Seth rolled his eyes at Kizaru and said to himself "You can't even feel my presence already and you think that you can kill me? haaays what a dream to have"

Seth then looked at Luffy who was about to stand up and walked towards him.

Luffy saw Seth coming towards him and smiled he said "Thank you for helping me Se- *BAM!*

Luffy couldn't finish his thanks because Seth already kicked him on the stomach, he clutched his stomach and vomited.

The rest of the Strawhats were shocked seeing this, Zoro and Sanji immediately dashed towards Luffy and shielded him.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Sanji asked clearly angry at Seth, while Zoro was already holding his swords ready for a fight.

Seth just laughed seeing this and said while releasing his haki "Heh! you think that you're already strong enough to face me just because you trained for 2 years? Hahahahahaha What a joke! *BOOM!*"

Zoro and Sanji was struck with a murderous haki and couldn't help but kneel down.

"Hmp! you couldn't even handle my haki and you still wanted to fight me?" Seth said then concentrated his attention at Sanji.

"Hey blondie let me remind you that Nami and Robin are now my wives so I hope you won't do anything the would make angry UNDERSTOOD?!" Seth said while releasing his full might towards Sanji blood was coming out of Sanji's noise and ears because of the pressure Seth was releasing.

Nami couldn't take it anymore and approached Seth "Dear, I think you already made yourself clear right? no need to be this extreme please?" Nami begged because she knew Seth won't listen to her if she just asked him to stop so she begged.

Seth hearing Nami beg immediately withdrew his haki which made the trio sigh in relief.

Seth then looked at Luffy and said in a threatening tone "I hope you take care of my wives, If anything happens to them you will be the one facing my wrath because you are the Captain of this ship."

After saying this Seth then looked at Nami and Robin was behind him and said while smiling "I will be heading out now, don't forget to give Hancock a call once in a while because she will surely miss you guys."

Nami and Robin nodded and had tears in their eyes they simultaneously hug Seth and bid him farewell.

Seth kissed Nami and Robin on their lips and teleported back to Gran Tesoro.

As soon as Seth left Luffy and Zoro had finally recovered and stood up, Luffy didn't even looked like he just suffered a lost and said happily while looking at Nami and Robin "I'm happy that you are still willing to join me on my journey even though you already have an Emperor's backing"

Nami and Robin smiled hearing this and Nami snorted "Hmp! I still haven't fulfilled my dream so I won't be leaving anytime soon same goes for Robin."

Sanji who was being treated by Chopper looked at Nami and Robin and said while sobbing "Nami chan *sob* Robin chan *sob* to think that you are already married AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" after shouting Sanji fainted.

Seeing this the Strawhats laughed and didn't even mind Sanji they continued preparing the sail and made their journey towards Fishman Island.