Lifelong Crush?

After Seth finished escorting Nami and Robin he was now back at Gran Tesoro sitting beside Hancock and his son Red.

"So Dear how was it?" Hancock asked while playing with Red's nose.

Seth grinned and said "It was quite good, I got the chance to stretch for a bit. Kizaru appeared and he was much stronger now and he managed to beat Luffy seeing this I intervened and put Kizaru in place while toying around with Nami and Robin's "strongest" crew mates."

Hancock rolled her eyes seeing her husband clearly enjoying bullying other people.

"So what is your plan now? you are already the strongest Emperor I think no one is willing to offend you anymore"

Seth thought for a moment then replied "Hmmm, I'm not done yet. don't think that I will ever forget those who made my wife's life miserable I'll make them pay HMP!" he subconsciously released his haki and startled Red which made the baby cry.

Seeing this Seth immediately started sweating and looked at his wife carefully "Umm, Dear it was an acci-" *PAK!*PAK!*PAK!*

"Don't you ever scare my son ever again! you hear that?! I don't care if you want to massacre those nobles just go do your thing" Hancock said while trying to calm Red down.

Seth walked out of the room with 3 huge bumps on the head and murmured "That's also my son, haaaay to think my lovely wife would turn into a lioness once the baby came out. what a life" he sighed then made his towards the throne room while calling all his commanders.

A few moments later Seth was now seated on his throne while all of his commanders were also seated at their respective chairs.

Seth glanced at his commanders and said "Thank you for coming on such short notice. the reason I called you hear is to ask if Big Mom or Shanks are showing any hostility towards us."

Just as Seth finished his sentence Shere Khan stood up and reported "Reporting Captain, I received a report that Big Mom is now trying something big because after you defeated Kaido. She immediately called back all her forces and is most likely preparing for war."

Seth frowned and thought for a moment "Is there a connection between Kaido and Big Mom?"

The whole room went quiet then Tesoro having the largest network among them reported "Captain, I heard that Big Mom and Kaido were previous crewmates under the leadership of Xebec D. Rocks the Captain of the Rocks the pirates. if you want to learn more you should ask Whitebeard because he was also part of his crew at that time."

Everyone was shocked hearing this including Seth "Really? I didn't know that there was such a legendary pirate who managed to control those 3 emperors under him. so it is safe to say that Big Mom and Kaido are now acquiantances but why would she want to get revenge for Kaido hmmmm."

Seth looked at Sentinel and ordered "Go and get the old man for me. tell him that it is really important so even if he is fcking he should come."

A couple of minutes later Whitebeard finally showed while having kiss marks all over his face.

"So brat what is so important that you have to disturb my rest" Whitebeard asked.

Seth rolled his eyes and replied "What rest? you were clearly playing around with a bunch of girls. I wouldn't be surprised if one day I found out that I will be having a nephew."

Whitebeard snorted and said while sitting down "Just ask what you want don't meddle with my private life"

Seth then turned serious and asked "I heard that you were with the same ship as Kaido and Big Mom right?"

Whitebeard nodded in agreement "So?"

"Is there any reason why Big Mom would like to take revenge on Kaido's death?" Seth then asked this.

Whitebeard spitted his sake and laughed "Gurarararara, so Lin Lin is now preparing to avenge her former love"

Seth already got an idea for Big Mom's reason but he let Whitebeard continue.

"Back then Kaido is always afraid of Lin Lin because she will always beat him up, but what he didn't know was thag Lin Lin had a crush on him until now she didn't had the guts to say it to Kaido face to face. That's why she is angry because you killed her lifelong love Gurarararara!"

Seth face palmed when hearing this and sighed "Well, there's nothing much we can do about it but bring the war to her. I don't to fight near this place because Hancock will be angry if we ever disturb Red's sleep."

Whitebeard was amused hearing this and teased "Heh, what a scaredy cat"

Seth looked at Whitebeard and challenged him "Go ahead and disturb her let's we if your beard won't turn upside down."

Whitebeard froze and touched his precious beard "Gurarararara, I was just kidding brat!"

Seth rolled his eyes at Whitebeard then turned his attention at his commanders.

"You don't need to prepare for the war I will only bring Tesoro,Gerhardt,Lazarus and Ron with me"

Jared immediately protested hearing this "But Captain! why am I not invited? I'm already strong enough to defeat her sweet commanders"

Red looked at Jared and said "Just stay here if Hancock can't make Red fall asleep just go there and use your devil fruit power on him. your job is much more important than fighting a sweet commander."

Jared look dispirited hearing this and couldn't complain anymore so he just sat down and cursed Ron for being lucky.

And with that the meeting have finally ended and all of the commanders went back to do their own task while the ones who will join Seth are now instructing their members what to do in their absence.