
Tesoro was observsing the battle when suddenly he felt someone forcefully entered his domain.

Alerted he immediately went to the breached domain to find out who have manage to breach his domain.

On his way towards the breach he saw his Captain walking inside the domain, he then let a sigh of relief seeing that it was Seth who entered.

"How's the battle going?" Seth asked.

Tesoro then briefly reported "It is going according to plan Captain, my gold dust has already entered everyone's body and I can easily manipulate them."

Seth nodded clearly satisfied at Tesoro's competence, he then glance the on going battle and said.

"Control everyone and make them kneel in front of me."

Tesoro then raised his hand then suddenly all of the Big Mom pirates stopped moving.

"What happened? why can't I control my body?" Katakuri who was fighting Gerhardt suddenly panic when he lost control of his body.

Seeing this Gerhardt stop attacking and smiled at Katakuri "Looks like your Emperor has already been defeated by our Captain hahahaha"

Hearing Gerhardt words Katakuri screamed "Prepostreous! It has only been a few minutes, your Captain is not capable of defeating Mama!"

Gerhardt didn't even glance at Katakuri and made his way towards Seth's postion Lazarus and Ron also made move seeing their Captain arrive.

Tesoro then controlled everyone and made them walk towards Seth.

Seeing Big Mom's children who were bruised in front of him Seth told Tesoro to remove his control.

When Katakuri felt that he can control his body again he immediately backed off and shielded his younger siblings.

Seth just glance at Katakuri then released his conquerors haki on them.

Feeling the huge pressure that was pressing on them some couldn't take it and collapsed on the spot.

"I already defeated your Captain/Mother" Seth said while continuing releasing his haki.

Katakuri gritted his teeth hearing this and shakily stood up, he then glared at Seth and said "Liar! don't think too highly of yourself! you can't possibly defeat Mama!"

Seth laughed hearing this and said "Your Mother can't even resist my attack and has turned into a lunatic, she is just staring into one place with droll coming off her mouth."

Seth the continued "The only reason why I attacked is that your Mother was planning on attacking my territory, but now that I have successfully defeated her you have two choices."

Katakuri and the others thought that they will massacred but when they heard Seth's last sentence they couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope, who on earth would want to die?

Seeing everyone's attention was on him Seth the said "The first choice is to serve under me, you will choose a new Captain that will represent the entire whole cake island and pledge loyalty to me. you can still have your own freedom and can do whatever you want.

"The second choice is that you can follow your Mother and die."

Everyone gulped hearing the second choice, they all looked at Katakuri waiting for his response. right now they all regarded him as their leader and decision maker.

Feeling everyones gaze at him Katakuri looked at Seth and kneeled "I Katakuri will represent the entire whole cake island and will choose the first choice we will swear loyalty to you Emperor Seth."

Seth nodded and turned his attention at Tesoro

"You will be the one to supervise them, I know that their are still many who will not follow me and will try to revolt. I know that you can discipline them and make them our loyal follower."

Tesoro nodded and said "Rest assured Captain and let me handle this."

Seth patted Tesoro's shoulder and made his way towards Big Mom.

"Haaaay, I was planning on letting you suffer for a little longer but seeing that your children will be under my care from now on. I will let you experience euphoria by killing you."

Seth the summoned Famine and decapitated Big Mom, Famine the sucked her blood and a orange shape fruit appeared.

Storing the fruit Seth then summoned green famine and teleported back to his territory.

Hancock who was currently feeding Red saw Seth enter the room she then glanced at her husband and asked.

"How did it go? are you injured Dear?"

Seth shook his head and said "Nah, It wasn't much of a fight. Big Mom's devil fruit has a clear disadvantage against my fruit."

Hearing this Hancock sighed in relief.

"So what did you do to her children?" Hancock asked.

Seth sat beside her then glance at Red "I spared them, Katakuri is now their Captain. I think that he is a rational person even though I killed his Mother he still thinks about his brothers and sisters so I think he wont try to revolt and will follow my commands properly."

Hancock nodded and kissed Seth's cheek "I hope that we can live in peace for a couple of years now that you have finally defeated another strong opponent."

Seth then embraced Hancock and Red "Don't worry dear, Tesoro is now the one managing the crew I now focus my entire attention to you and Red."

Hancock smiled hearing and leaned at Seth's chest while feeding Red.