Birth of a monster

Katakuri was staring at the fruits in front, every fruit has a piece of tag on it saying what type of fruit it was and what it's use are.

He first glance at the logia type earth-earth fruit and stone-stone fruit, he then continued towards the mythical and ancient zoan fruit he stopped in front of the Human-human fruit: Model Asura which Tesoro got from looting Big Mom's vault.

He thought for a while then made his way towards the paramecia fruits all of the fruits here were the strongest and he was having a hard time choosing a proper fruit.

Seth looked at Katakuri and asked while smiling "Having a hard time are we?"

Katakuri nodded and said "I know they are all strong fruits but my forte is my observation haki, I want a fruit that can help me enhance it or a support type fruit that will me get stronger by combining it with my observation haki.

Hearing Katakuri's explanation Seth had a thoughtful expression then stared at Katakuri.

"I think I have what you are looking for. hmmm, to give or not to give" Seth was still debating on whether it is the right choice to give Katakuri such a powerful fruit but on the otherhand it will help him boost his strength.

Katakuri was just looking at Seth with expectant eyes and said with a bow "I promise you Captain that I will never betray your trust."

Seth sighed then threw a fruit towards Katakuri.

"Eat it, I know it will be somewhat difficult to defeat you now but I it's only difficult not impossible hahahaha" Seth said while laughing.

Katakuri stared dumbfoundedly at Seth and asked in a low "Captain, I think I may die eating this because I am still a devil fruit user."

Seth stopped laughing then wave his hands and a bloody red scythe appeared.

"Ooops, my bad just stand there for a moment and don't move."

Seth then walked towards Katakuri with his scythe and slashed it towards Katakuri's arms and legs.

Seeing for huge wounds Katakuri flinched a little but still remained in place.

Seth was amused seeing this said "You really trust me this much huh?"

Through gritted teeth Katakuri spoke "Because I know Captain wouldn't do anything low towards me."

Seth nodded and told famine to suck the blood faster, a few minutes later a pale Katakuri was standing in front of Seth.

The latter was holding a purple fruit and playing with it "So this is the mochi mochi fruit." he the stored it into his ring and told Katakuri to eat his new fruit.


Katakuri took a bite like a champ and threw the rest, he then started concentrating to find out what his new power but to no avail he failed and could only look at Seth for an answer.

"Hahahaha, don't be dispirited because what you ate is the stop-stop fruit on the primary you can at most stop your opponent for a second or so but after you master your fruit and awaken it you can even manage to stop time for a maximum of 5 seconds." Seth said with a proud smile.

Katakuri was gobsmacked hearing this and thought (With this plus my advanced observation haki I will be undefeatable in combination)

He then immediately kneeled and said "I am really grateful for receiving such a strong fruit Captain, I will make sure to rise to the ranks of Emperor as to not let you down."

Seth nodded and patted his shoulder "I will only give you 2 months and in that span of time I hope you can or even have a tie with either Gerhardt or Tesoro."

Katakuri nodded with determination and said "I'll be sure not to let you down Captain"

Seth then waved his hand "Okay, you can leave now."

Katakuri took a last bow then left, leaving only Tesor and Seth in the room.

"Captain, you really gave him a strong fruit. I don't think I'm confindent in defeating me in 2 months time." Tesoro said with a smile.

Seth laughed and said "Hahahaha, I did that so that you won't slack and be competent now go and train more so that you wont get defeated by Katakuri."

Tesoro nodded and also left the room.

Seth then sat at his chair and spoke to himself "Making a strong crew is really a hassle, now that I have at most 3 Emperor level members I think I can let them handle everything for the moment."

He then teleported and went to find his beautiful wife Hancock.