
Inside Mariejois a small door appeared into thin air, Lucci walked out the door with Robin behind him followed by the rest of the CP0.

"Blueno, we couldn't have returned fast if it wasn't for you awakening your devil fruit." Kaku the long nose said while patting a pale Blueno.

Blueno nodded and said "Yeah, but it takes all of my strength and I need to go and rest."

Lucci agreed and let Blueno rest on his room.

Robin who was being cuffed by sea prism stone was calm and occasionally smile.

Stussy got annoyed seeing Robin's and gave her slap.


Robin still smiled even though she a red mark on her face and said "Long time no see Lucci, it is quite nostalgic see your gave again ufufufu."

Lucci frowned and snorted "Don't be so calm Nico Robin. even though your husband is strong can he catch up to us. The 5 elders already summoned the 7 shichibukai's, 10 Vice Admirals and the 3 Admirals so that they can kill your Husband."

Robin's mouth quivered hearing this and worry started flashing in her eyes.

Stussy laughed seeing this and said "Let's see if your dear husband can save you this time Hahahahaha."

Robin bit her lips and started tearing up, she hoped that Seth won't come to rescue her anymore.

They then walk towards a huge plaza and saw the Shichibukai's and Marines already waiting for them.

Alpha the shichibukai who ate the Mythical Werewolf fruit started salivating seeing Robin.

"She's really a good mate for me too bad she will be executed along with her husband today awoohahahaha!"

Lilith the shichibukai who ate the Myrhical Succubus fruit snorted and said "She's just so-so I'm far more beautiful and tastier than her, why don't try mating with me my dear wolfy."

Alpha spat at her and replied "Whoever have sex with you ends up being your slave so no thanks Lilith."

The other Shichibukai were "Mad Monk" Uruoge, "Dark Flash" Nitro, Mihawk, Edward Weevil and the newest member "Hurricane fist" Masha.

Aokiji seeing Robin entering the plaza sighed and murmured "I hope Seth won't be too crazy and annihalite all of us, Alas those old geezers are really insane poking a hornets nest."

Akainu who was seated beside Aokiji mocked him and said "What a disgrace and to think you're the Fleet Admiral."

Aokiji didn't mind Akainu because he's all brawn and no brain, he then glanced at his 3 admirals who were Fujitora,Kizaru and Green Bull.

The 5 elders who seated at the top smiled seeing Lucci succeeding in capturing Robin.

They knew there will be a huge battle that will happen and told the world nobles to first evacuate Mariejois the nobles were at first decline but the bald elder took out his sword and killed the protester which made the others fear for their life and chose to listen.

Robin was now really worrying about her husband seeing the enemies who are waiting for his arrival.

Seth who was now on top of Mariejois smirked seeing the Marines and Shicibukai waiting for him to fall for their trap he couldn't help but thank Tesoro because if it wasn't for him he wouldn't have the chance to teleport to Mariejois.

Seth took out a denden mushi and spoke "Sentinel, only bring the commanders and Whitebeards the others will stay behind."

A/N: Sentinel is Seth's assistant and is the one who ate the Gate Gate Fruit.

Sentinel followed his Captain's orders and told Tesoro about the change of plans, he then erected a huge Gate in front of them.

After confirming everything Seth then told green to fetch Sentinel and let him erect a gate on this side for the others to pass through.

A few minutes later an irritating laugh could be heard coming from the gate.

"Gurarararara, Those geezers are really insane to cross paths with you brat." Whitebeard appeared looking young and healthy.

Seth couldn't help but smile, even though this old man is irritating atleast he is a capable ally.

"Shut it old man, don't make unnecassry hence the enemy will detect us." Seth said reprimanding Whitebeard.

Whitebeard and wrapped his right arm on Seth's shoulder and teased "Don't tell me you're scared brat Gurararara!"

Seth got ticked and chose to ignore old but young Whitebeard and concentrated on his crew.

"There are approximately 20-30 enemies that is on your level so go and wreaked havoc I want you to obliterate them and don't show any mercy." Seth said in a serious tone.

The crew nodded and started preparing for battle.

Seth then led them towards the plaza using the thundercloud.

Mariejois Plaza

"This is becoming boring when will that stupid Emperor arrive?!" Alpha started complaining and was throwing a tantrum when suddenly a huge lightning bolt shot towards him.

*Zzzzzp!* *BOOM!*

"Arggggggh! Awoooooooo! Who the hell atacked me?!" Alpha said he was in his Werewolf form glancing around to look at his enemy.

"Hmp! such a puny dog dares to lust at my wife go and die!" Seth said then a 5 layer wind blade suddenly flew towards Alpha with lightning speed.

*Swish!* *Swish!*

Alpha grinned seeing Seth's attack and spoke "Ha! so you're that Emperor let's see if I won't rape your wi-.."

*Splaaaash!* *BAM!*

Alpha who was still talking immediately got decapitated and blood started gushing out from his neck.

Seth gazed emotionessly at him and stared at the platform where Robin and the 5 elders were.

He smiled when he saw Robin was fine said "Don't worry dear I'll get in a sec okay?"

Robin had tears in her eyes and she continued nodding at Seth with a smile in her face.

"Hmp! don't think you can get out of this place alive Seth I mobilized the World Governement's strongest force just to take you down!" The bald geezer said while pointing at Seth.

*Craaack!* *Craaaack!*

Cracks started appearing on the air catching everyone lff guard, the elder frowned trying to recall where he saw this power from when suddenly Aokiji started and said in a low voic "To think Whitebeard is also here to help Seth things has become more chaotic."

"Gurarararara! I just retired for 2 years and you already forgot about my power bald geezer?" Whitebeard jumped down from above and landed beside Seth.


Everyone gasp not because Whitebeard appeared but because he looks way younger than 2 years ago.

"Gurararara, Bald geezer look at me all young and handsome I can fight against 5 girls during the night and my stamina is unlimited Gurarararara!" Whitebeard started flaunting shamelssly about his stamina infront of everyone.

Seth massaged his glabela at Whitebeard's antics, the rest of the crew also started decending and Whitebeard's joke didn't make the tense atmosphere lessen.

Seth then looked at the 5 elders then spoke in a calm voice "Annihilate them"