One Chance

After retrieving Nico Robin, Seth then observed the battlefield and saw that it was now on a stalemate his commanders were evenly match against the remaining Shichibukai's and Admirals.

"Looks like its not yet time to completely destroy the World Government" Seth said while rubbing his chin.

Whitebeard who was beside him nodded in agreement "You're right kid, even if I will join the battle those old geezers will also make their move and let me warn you that they are not the backer of the World Government."

Seth turned his attention towards the 5 elders and frowned "Yeah, I know about that guy behind those 5 geezers."

Whitebeard was surprised at Seth's intel and was about to talk when Seth continued.

"But, those CP0 must cease to exist from now on."

After saying that Seth disappeared from his spot and appeared behind Lucci and Kaku

The two of them felt that death was coming for them and they weren't wrong.

"Stab!* *Stab*!

Seth took out two daggers and stabbed them on their hearts immediately killing the both of them, he then teleported to the remaining CP0 and killing them one by one.

The 5 elders didn't have time to react because when they noticed what Seth was doing Stussy was the only CP0 member alive and was currently on Seth's clutch.

"Have mercy ple .. aassee!" Stussy said while gripping Seth's hands that was choking her.

Seth looked at her with emotionless eyes then *Snap!* Stussy's neck was tilted to the side and she was devoid of life.

He then threw Stussy towards the 5 elders and said "Don't ever try to provoke me again or else I wouldn't mind going on an all out war against the World Government. don't think that I am afraid of your ruler if he really pisses me off then I don't mind having mutual destruction."

After finishing his speech he walked towards the gate that Sentinel already opened the gate with Robin beside him.

His commanders also followed suit and entered the gate, no one even tried to block them including Akainu because he was already exhausted from fighting Gerhardt and some poison could be seen on his right arm.

After seeing Seth and his crew leave Aokiji sat on the ground and was also exhausted.

"That Tesoro is really strong, If his Vice Captain is already so strong how strong is the Captain?" Aokiji shuddered thinking how strong will Seth be if he unleash his full power.

He then looked towards the Shichibukai and sighed "Looks like there will be 2 new Shichibukai's again."

Upon Seth's return he was immediately greeted by Hancock and Nami who has swollen eyes but upon seeing Robin she immediately smiled and ran towards Robin hugging her.

"I'm so glad you're safe Robin." She said while sobbing.

Robin smiled and patted Nami's back "Ofcourse I would be safe our husband is really strong you know."

Hancock nodded and approached Seth she kissed him on the lips and asked with a worried tone "Are you injured dear?"

Seth shook his head and said "Nope, but my commanders are."

He then turned towards his commanders and said "You can go now and treat your wounds and at night we will be having a banquet because from now on Nami and Robin will be staying with us."

Upon hearing this everyone celebrated except for Nami and Robin they were surprised knowing that they will not see their friends again and were sad so they tried to coax Seth.

"Dear, won't you reconsider? we were only defeated because those CP0 use underhand tactis and fire Sea Stone bullet at Luffy." Nami said with a pitiful look.

"Yeah Dear, We really want to continue our journey and I haven't even fulfilled my dream." Robin said while holding Seth's hand.

Seth looked at his two wives and said "No buts and Robin if you're with me they I can easily fulfill your dreams if you want to."

Hancock seeing his two sisters having troubled look chose to help them and said "Dear, give them a chance please?"

Seth raised a brow hearing Hancock helping them and sighed "I will send a message to your Captain via Sentinel and give your crew a chance."

Nami and Robin became cheerful hearing Seth agree and thank Hancock for helping them.

Seth then went to his room and took out a record dial.

After a few minutes Seth exited the room and gave the record dial to Sentinel and told him to give to the Strawhats.

Thousand Sunny

Luffy was now holding a record dial and was listening with his crew after the record was finish Luffy clenched his fist and said.

"Let's go towards Gran Tesoro to get Nami and Robin back."

The rest of the crew immediately nodded in agreement.

Seeing this Sentinel threw a Eternal Post towards Luffy and said "Hope you and your crew survive kid, my Captain isn't really forgiving if it wasn't for the madam you wouldn't even have this chance so be sure to give it your all." after warning Luffy he then entered the gate and went back.

"Luffy, you need to rest first so that you can be in your top form as soon as possible." Chopper said with worry.

Luffy nodded and started eating meat but he was still thinking about what Seth said in the record.

"If you can't even beat my underlings then you aren't worthy on becoming the King of the Pirates." Luffy kept mucnhing on his meat and started talking.

"I'll show him and his commanders! Zoro! Sanji! don't just stand there and start eating your meat so that we can beat those bastards!"

The both of them ignored Luffy and did their own thing, Zoro was drinking his booze was Sanji was cursing Seth.