Eternal Siesta

As soon as the bell was rung Jester released 12 cards and threw it towards Jared.

"Jack of Trade!"

Seeing the incoming cards, Jared sneered and brandished his sword slicing every single card that was on his way.

"Pui! Is that your best shot clown?" Jared said in mocking tone

Jester didn't reply but only smiled creepily at Jared.

Jared frowned seeing this and was about to dash towards Jester when suddenly he felt a stabbing pain on his back shoulder.

"Aah! you fcker! why can't you fight fairly and always attack in a cowardly way?!" Jared complained while removing the card on his shoulder.

The attack left a deep wound on his shoulder, knowing that it will hinder his movement Jared closed his eyes and muttered.

"Sleep Recover"

As soon as he finished speaking his wound slowly healed and in less than a minute there was only a scar left on his shoulder.

"Tch.. tch.. that power of yours is really formidable to think that you can accelerate your healing process by making your shoulder rest faster." Jester while playing his card.

Jared sneered and gripped his sword tightly and dashed towards Jester.

"Take this clown!"

Jared attacked Jester with a barraged of different type of sword moves he learned from a samurai in Wano.

Jester easily dodged every attack of Jared and was already getting annoyed because Jared wasn't stopping and kept on attacking him.

Raising his hand a deck of cards appeared, he then threw it on the air.


The cards straightened and attacked Jared in all sides.

Jared knew that it was one of Jester strong skills, he smiled and stomped his foot on the ground.

Jester frowned seeing this but didn't mind it and chose to keep on attacking.

After stomping his feet Jared dashed towards Jester not minding the incoming cards.

Jester looked dumbfoundedly at Jared and thought (is he betting that his attack will hit first rather than my cards? hmp! dream on!)

As soon as the cards were about to hit Jared it suddenly fell down.

Staring wide eye at the cards Jester was about to jump back when suddenly Jared appeared behind him.

"You already awakened your devil fruit?" Jester asked while looking at Jared.

"Hehehehe what do you think? looks like I won clown you should go night night."

"Eternal Siesta!"


Jared slashed towards Jester's neck making him fall unconcious.

He only used the back of his blade or else Jester will already be decapitated.

Pumping his chest with pride he stood on the stage while the crowds were going wild.

"Woooooh! Jared you're the best!"

"Commander Jared is so handsome!"

Baccarat seeing the fight has already concluded then announced.

"Looks like Jester is still unable to defeat our 4th commander. let's give a warm of applause to our winner Commander Jared!"