LUO YAN bit into the crepe he's holding.  He smiled happily when he tasted the cream and the strawberry.  It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.  He and his father arrived here ten in the morning.  Who would have thought that they would spend the whole day here?  Even Luo Yan was surprised that his father lasted this long.  He really thought that after just an hour or two he would ask him to leave and go to a different place.

He felt truly loved.

He saw a stand selling ice cream.  He finished eating the crepe and wanted to ask his father to buy him one.

"Xiao Yan, that's the last one, okay?  You can't eat anymore sweets today," his father suddenly said, as if reading his mind.

Luo Yan looked longingly at the ice cream stand.  But in the end, he could only pout and said, "Okay."