"YAN YAN, is it your nickname?" Shen Ji Yun asked.

"I guess?  It's just the name my older brother calls me."  

Truth to be told, when he first heard Luo Ren called him that, he wanted to wince.  The name 'Yan Yan' was just too… cutesy?  But then he slowly got used to it.  It soon evoked memories he thought he had long forgotten.  Memories of the parents he lost too soon.

They would also call him 'Yan Yan' in a very loving tone.  After that, memories just came flooding in.  His mother who would always gently hold him whenever he fell down and would stay by his side and tell him wonderful stories until he fell asleep.  His father who would always play with him and would give him whatever he wanted no matter how unreasonable it was.  Before the day ended, both would never forget to tell him how much they loved him.