THE king walked slowly towards the only high platform.  His every steps were elegant and effortless.  As if he was gliding instead of walking.  Then he faced the players and spread both arms as if in welcome.

"My dear friends, I welcome you all to my palace," the King said with a gentle smile on his captivating face.  

Luo Yan saw almost all the players bowing and saying almost at the same time.  "We're honored to be here, Your Majesty."

"Do we really need to act like he's a real king or something?" Luo Jin whispered, quite reluctant to play the obedient subject.

Bai Ze put his hand on top of Luo Jin's head and made him bow.  "Just play along.  That NPC is programmed in a way that he could coerce anyone, players and other NPC alike, to show respect to him.  So instead of being forced, it's better to just play along."

Luo Yan raised one his brows when he heard that.  "Isn't that a bit overkill?"