"IS Brother Ji Yun familiar with the Tower of Edia?" Luo Yan asked when they were a few distance away from the Gatekeeper's cottage.

Shen Ji Yun shook his head.  "Not really.  But that tower is almost equivalent to a church here in Arcadia."  No, maybe it's more accurate to call it a temple?  After all, churches in Western culture usually have branches all over the place.  But it didn't really have that much of a difference.  Both were still a symbol of religion.  "It's located at Garden of Eden – one of the largest floating islands in Arcadia." 

Garden of Eden?  Luo Yan almost cringed at the name.  It's like an in-your-face advertisement, 'look, this is the paradise dedicated to a goddess'.  Anyway, the game's questionable naming sense aside, he was quite surprised to hear that the tower was actually located at a floating island.  The King of Arcadia's palace was also on a floating island.