THE moment Luo Yan's restricted body turned around without his own control, he finally saw the owner of the voice.  When he suddenly heard a voice out of nowhere, he was startled to the extreme.  Because he didn't expect someone to suddenly just appear in the room.  And now, he's finally face-to-face with this person.

The man standing in front of him right now looked pale to the extreme.  As if he hadn't been exposed to sunlight for years.  He was wearing a loose black robe, showing the white expanse of his chest.  Which was not really attractive because of the bones sticking out, showing how thin the other was. 

He had long black hair that was curly and wavy, like a seaweed.  His cheeks were a bit sunken, making his face sharper.  His black eyes were muddy and dilated, as if he was high on drugs.