"ANOTHER guest? Is father planning to host a party instead of a formal dinner?" the one with messy clothing asked in a sarcastic voice. "Or you're not going to tell us you're the old chap's illegitimate son, right?"

"Truly, Charles, must you act like some mannerless bastard?" the one with the young wife said, he was looking at the man he called 'Charles' with discontent. Then, he turned to Luo Yan and walked towards him. "Edward Harcourt, you are?" the other asked, stretching his hand towards him.

Luo Yan accepted the other's outstretched hand and shook it. "James Payton."

The man named Edward let go of his hand the moment he said his name, an expression of surprise even flashed on his face. But it only lasted for a second and his expression returned back to normal.

"The gentleman detective?" the other asked, as if making sure that his guess was correct.

"Yes. I'm flattered you know the name," Luo Yan said with a smile.