LUO JIN looked at the small box wrapped in a smple ribbon. Inside this was his gift to Su Yuqi. Because it would be her 21st birthday on Saturday. He planned to go to B City to personally give this gift to her.

Sending it via courier seemed too perfunctory. Especially since the other knew his feelings for her. If he didn't give it personally, it would seem like he's not sincere enough. He knew Su Yuqi wouldn't think that, but still. Aside from wanting to give it personally, he also wanted to surprise her.

Maybe it would even earn him some brownie points.

Especially after his talk with Luo Yan during the farewell party. It had been more than two weeks since then. It had also been that long since Wu Xiang Ye and He Yu Lan left the country. But he still hadn't really done anything to make progress with his current relationship situation with Su Yuqi.

'You know, Ah Jin, a simple and straightforward 'I love you' could do wonders.'