IT was already late at night, but Luo Wei Tian was still awake. Maybe because he was still reeling from the happiness of the day. Some would probably say that he's exaggerating. After all, a child graduating high school was not exactly the most uncommon thing. But for Luo Wei Tian, it was. Very much so.

Because a year and a half ago, he wasn't even sure if this was even possible.

With Luo Yan being in a coma for seven years, there were times when Luo Wei Tian thought that his son would not open his eyes ever again. The sadness was too overwhelming. Especially during the first few years. Since he was also dealing with the loss of his wife.

He remembered nights spent by the side of his son's hospital bed, holding his hand and praying for a miracle. There were moments when despair crept in, and he almost gave up hope. The guilt of even considering giving up weighed heavily on him, haunting his thoughts.